
Just another thing to shove in the face of those ramble about “supporting the troops” and then vote against them.

So it turns out that one of the many groups who got hit with Trump’s tax hike were military families who lost husbands or wives in combat, because of how the benefits are structured. Many of them saw their tax bill skyrocket this year because of a change in the law on taxation of children:

It looks like a sentient drain clog.

I legitimately didn’t even notice the nose ring as I was so distracted by the thing glued to his face masquerading as a beard.

Dorsey sucked trumps dick to keep twitter relevant.

Trump's first two tweets about Twitter being discriminatory toward conservatives affirms, yet again, that Republicans are the biggest snowflakes of them all.

The Wall is being rapidly built! The Economy is GREAT! Our Country is Respected again!

Who sucked whos dick for idiot to stay on twitter??????????

He wants to keep his Russian bots, dammit.

“The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” is,

Yes. But they are total sausage fests. Amazingly enough, a community comprised entirely of anti-feminists, white male supremacists and incels is not a great environment for women.

the fewer people around, the less likely he’ll find himself involved in another shooting

I’m looking for carefree, fun!”

“Looking for carefree fun. Likes: walks on the beach; going to concerts; following unarmed teenagers, confronting them against instructions from law enforcement, then murdering them; trying out new restaurants...”

Aw...poor guy.

God he must be an asshole. Even serial killers manage to find partners or fans. And this creep was a sorta darling of the NRA crowd. So the fact some gun lovin’ nut hasn’t claimed him tells me that he’s truly terrible (which we knew). Good, suffer. 

Aren’t there dating websites where he could exclusively find people who support him? Some alt-right/conservative dating sites? 

This motherfucker keeps showing up like a bad fucking penny.