
Trump’s a disgusting person who cares about no one but himself and his daughter-wife, Ivanka. That poor Romanian guy and his poor family.

About those dates: between his employment by Trump Properties in 2006 and his receiving a green card in 2011, he had to have been on a temporary visa (H-1? Odd, as surely there are Americans who can drive, though not as cheaply as a sponsored immigrant). That visa would have to have been sponsored by Trump.

Of course he doesn’t. He probably doesn’t even remember this guy.

“Meanwhile, his family has had to borrow $25,000 for household expenses and medical costs for Tamas’s daughter, who has a heart condition.”

I don't think trump cares...

Seems applicable to mention the most famous Jehovah’s Witness ever was probably...Michael Jackson.

Religion, in general, is a bad idea. People have addictive personalities, confirmation bias, and a whole slew of problems with commitment when it comes to things like belief and faith. Too many people willing to surrender their lives to be guided by leaders rather than to do the work to find their own path. Its

Having grown up in the faith, this doesn’t surprise me. I’m sure most JW’s stomachs would turn at the thought of sexual abuse, but they don’t seem to realize that by supporting a system with zero accountability, they enable it.


I want it because it allows me to play games on any device without having to buy expensive dedicated hardware.

This.  We can create an old persons club where we don’t see each other at all because we’re playing single player games alone, as the universe intended.  Glad to be a part of this movement. 

I honestly don’t care if Stadia becomes the next big thing,  kills consoles,  and everyone has to play laggy games forever.  Why?  Because I’m officially declaring myself an old man,  and this is where I’m done.  I now plan to live out the rest of my life replaying the great games from the before time as I shake my

Found the psychopath.

Quote where I said “ban guns”....

RIP, Sydney.

I am also scared about the PTSD for students and teachers from the constant active shooter drills and false alarm lockdowns. While it obviously is not in the same ballpark as going through an actual massacre, we are literally putting ever K-12 student in the country through this stress.  It seems like every school

This is sad, and I hope her family may find some peace in these awful times.

We need to try this game I heard about called Guillotines.

All so rich assholes can sell guns to stupid assholes.

The corrupt US government fails its citizens again and another young life is snuffed out.   All so rich assholes can sell guns to stupid assholes.