Not only is it not “far higher,” but since their taxes cover stuff like all their healthcare and education, they pay far, far less for those things in the long run.
Not only is it not “far higher,” but since their taxes cover stuff like all their healthcare and education, they pay far, far less for those things in the long run.
Ouch our neighbours in Finland have it really bad indeed. And yes, health care is equally bad here in Norway. In 7 weeks my first son will be born, and my wife will enjoy a free hospital stay as well as 34 weeks paid leave after birth. And I, as a man, get 15 weeks paid leave to be a father in the beginning. A big…
Fox News told them
Blah blah blah... All I noticed was the Finns wrote complete sentences using proper grammar and punctuation on a social media platform. Can we include their evil socialized education in the discussion, too?
She may be one of the smarter ones in 45's administration. Having said that I still have a feeling she thought that Finnish people wouldn’t understand English, and so they wouldn’t clap back on her.
Hey Nikki,
Canadian here, my wife gave birth last year... We received free ultrasounds and prenatal testing throughout, free access to midwifery care, free access to a birth centre that was like a hotel suit with a fireplace and a tub. My wife had complications, we were transferred to a hospital (for free), had an emergency…
Oof, American healthcare v’s healthcare in Europe? Yeah, talk about a losing battle. In the majority of countries in the EU knowing that you can get healthcare without having to go into bankruptcy is kind of something people like. Honestly I find American healthcare baffling, and cruel. I’m alive because of the NHS…
I just had an emergency craniotomy to remove a tumor from my head. The total cost was almost $200k. I’m struggling to fight off bankruptcy. These people piss me off so much...
I’m in Canada. I went to a clinic on Wednesday for back pain. Got a same day appointment. Waited about 15 minutes. Got a prescription for pain medication. Went to another clinic for an x-ray. Waited less than 1 minute. All told I lost about 1 hour of work and paid a total of $9 (for the medication.) I’m so happy I’m…
We in the U.S. should learn something from New Zealand.
She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”
when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty
As fun as this was to read, you realize that you can’t topple this lady with finicky things like facts, right?
But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!
Obviously our healthcare is better. More expensive means better. Why skimp on your health? Why would you want to get treated for $60 when you could get a luxury $20,000 treatment?
Me too. People are often shocked to hear that. They assume as a hunter I want ALL THE GUNS. No. Not only do I not want all the guns I also don’t want Joe Schmo to be able to walk into Walmart and just buy one. And I particularly don’t want Joe Schmo to just be able to buy the kind that can slaughter people.