“Donald Trump continued his fight with John McCain, who continues to be dead.”
“Donald Trump continued his fight with John McCain, who continues to be dead.”
I don’t know how many people will care about this, but in the midst of this college application fraud thing, USC has been operating with an interim president ever since the last one resigned in the wake of the health center abuse scandal and an earlier fiasco when the dean of the medical school got caught doing drugs…
I absolutely hate all the ridiculous groveling to Iowa voters. Fuck ranch. Fuck the Iowa state fair. Fuck the Iowa caucuses. Really, just fuck Iowa. Perhaps the only intelligent thing Donald Trump has ever said was “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” (present company excluded, of course, if you happen to be reading…
It’s a totally cool and normal thing for your boss to talk shit about your husband and comment on your marriage on social media.
Man... this story.
has been a neo-Nazi for more than a decade.
Why are we acquiescing to these assholes by calling them “white nationalists”? They are white supremacists, full stop. They wrap their message up in slightly softer language than the klan but in the end, they are supremacists. If they truly believed their drivel about making a safe space for the lily white babies,…
If we had a real president and a real justice department we would begin looking into how many of these scumbags are in law enforcement. The number has to be well over 50% and I think that is low. Blurring the lines between the military & the police force has long been a wet dream of The GOP and with the current…
So 4 sodas a month increases your risk of death by 1%?
Holy crap... that’s increasing my risk of dying from...
*checks notes*
Evil makes people ugly, but it keeps them alive.
I think the argument is that the healthier you are, the less likely you are to suffer health problems for decades before shoving off the mortal coil.
If I hit 80, I’m tryin’ heroin.
So really, chugging soda will make you happy now, and and reduce you’re time of being miserable later. It’s a win win
drinking one to four sugary drinks per month was linked with a 1 percent increased risk; two to six per week with a 6 percent increase; one to two per day with a 14 percent increase; and two or more per day with a 21 percent increase.
Sure, it takes years off your life. But they’re the shitty years!! My great aunt lived to 92, which was about 20 years longer than it should have been. between the macular degeneration, osteoporosis and dementia, she ended up talkingto her dead relatives, complaining she couldn’t see them.
Tips for a healthy life
Thanks for calling my grandmother famous.
“Conclusion: Stop harshing my buzz, and ESPECIALLY stop trying to tax it when it does no harm to anyone else. Looking at you, Seattle.”
Everything can kill you.
What if I mix the SSB with alcohol? Surely this is a two wrongs make a right situation!