
And if he had instead brought a gun and picked off each one, he would instead be celebrated as a hero who eliminated an island full of Jesus-deprived animals.


I think this is a little too much of an overreaction. It’s like if you’re about to type something, but then you lose your attention to something else briefly, and you end up typing that thing instead of what you were going to before. In this case, he was going to use the correct spelling, but had a bowel movement

I also have a feeling that we’ll be seeing a “Stop Using a Dishwasher” article sometime next year, something having to do with giving Big Dishwasher more money to give us the false sense of clean dishes.

Fuck, is The Walking Dead so bad that people just want to kill others and themselves to relieve the tension?

A certificate of authenticity for a teddy bear? Really? Are they trying to “guarantee” that you didn’t just buy a fake from a Dem who has a webcam built into one of its eyes?

They have to... plug up his asshole to stop him from pooping when it takes up “more important” time...?

You know what’s certain?  This will still not stop all the “tell me one law that President Trump has broken” morons that swarm Twitter and other places.  They’ll just tell you that it’s the Democrats who have broken the law and Trump is only trying to stop them.

I don’t know, but finding it will be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Yeah, but he owns the libs, and that’s all that matters.  They’ll set themselves on fucking fire if it would own a lib.

“Shut up and take my organs!”

“Vote for _____! He always Wins and will Make America Great Again! He’s running against _____ who’s Weak on Crime, Borders, Vets, and Taxes. Bad for America! Go _____!!!”

Yeah, but it’s not like Obummer was Making America Great Again. He doesn’t deserve time off after trying to take away everyone’s guns, turn everyone gay, and replace our hard-working bus drivers with terrorists. Wake up sheep person!!!

Quit milking this incident already.

I mean, it does make sense to not want to be friends with someone who really just wants you dead.

“No one, and I mean no one, loves the immigrants more than Donald J. Trump.  Believe me.”

Basically, this is me (give or take the Zuckerberg part). *sigh*

If a cartel got to my credit card, I’d probably get maxed out at the first transaction. D:

This would make a great Halloween mask, and one that can actually scare people. It would sure make for a great cash grab. Just make the check payable to “Deadly,” Rudy.

Whether you are African-American, Hispanic-American or ANY AMERICAN at all – you have the right to live in a Country that puts YOUR NEEDS FIRST!