
“I used to rape women, but then I took an arrow to the crotch.”

“Why is the $558,000 bottle of wine always gone?”

I thought it was some kind of weird typo until I actually checked the tweet...

We can just get them from the Walk of Fame. ;)

OMG this made me realize that Bruce Campbell sort of looks like Romney.  It would’ve been nice to see him on SNL back when Romney was still a thing.

Kids made fun of him, he got exposed to toxic waste that’s the GOP, and he became a literal monster.  The Powerpuff Girls predicted the future.

Beat me to it!


He’ll break any law or protocol just to erect his e-peen for his supporters.

Well, he does favor angry guys, apparently also green ones.

And this is her opinion on Kavanaugh’s nomination:

Little Donny will get the 40 free tickets while forcing the business to refuse it to others because they shouldn’t have to give free stuff to the poors.

I fucking love AdGuard and it has made Kinja browsing very pleasant. I already have a number of regular sites whitelisted and I’d love to add Kinja as soon as it gets a fucking clue.

Orange and brown are a perfect combination: Trump and turd.

when reality Trump tweets completely contradicts this.

“Just Do It (Resign)“

His dying wish would be for his funeral to have more “ratings” than Obama’s.

Thanks, Marty McFly...