
What is it with Trump’s press secretaries and their tweeting of passwords?!?

Thank you for bringing this up again. +1

Do something beneficial to the world for a change and go after these shitwipes.

He needs to be banned from speaking to people under the age of 18.

As soon as they can figure out how to accommodate the entire country. 


He probably wishes he could turn back his age to below 21 so that he can smoke a cigarette while everyone else that age has to wait.

Either he didn’t write that tweet, or one of his staffers somehow succeeded in convincing him to put that period inside the quote instead of outside.

I <3 Carlton!!!

If you’re presidenting like shit, you must quit!

“Just got to the [event] in [location]. People are really happy with [random social thing probably already benefited by Obama and with some number which may or may not be real]!”

I just love it when dumbasses on the Internet get trolled.

It’s also how he describes his kills.

This movie was on TV a few times recently, and I started getting this song stuck in my head. I soon decided I wanted to add it to my playlist, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was from Duran Duran (Ordinary World is so addicting). I already have lots of other Bond theme songs on my playlist, too.

Yep. *cries*

Fuck, I’m out of popcorn already. BRB.

It does make perfect sense that Trump is getting rid of Obama’s policies, which all make America NOT great anymore. Yes, that even includes the environment-preserving ones. Bad!

I would’ve preferred Charlie Sheen for president anyway.