
No, they think assassins hired by Hillary are hiding under beds to kill off conservatives. Let’s get that straight first.

There’s now apparently a book about how Obama is trying to stop Trump, and how Trump has some kind of secret plan for something. It’s being advertised on MSNBC for some reason.

“Is the atomic weight of Cobalt 58.9?”

Conservatives just Don’t. Fucking. Get It. This was a private entity making a decision, not the government. If there are any snowflakes here, it’s you. But sure, go ahead and continue laughing at minority groups getting attacked while calling them snowflakes for trying to do something about it.

If this would happen to Trump as well, then we might actually make some good progress.


Yeah, but part of the cool kids’ club is being able to piss away more taxpayer dollars on something needless. She also needs more of her money to keep buying political favors.

Can they do one fucking thing that’s not remotely illegal? I’m getting sick and tired of these criminals getting away with everything they try to do.

One word: Backpfeifengesicht

The only good thing about this is that we’ll no longer have to live with Trump as president if we’re all dead.

You know what it means, fuckhead. You’re just acting like your father and denying something that’s negative towards you. I hate this fucking family so much. Four more years of this shit.

I thought we were going to start winning things. But I guess we’re gunning for the worst healthcare in the world.

Remember ladies, no one loves women more than Trump, so I’m sure this is best for all of you.

Trumpers would probably call this a snowstorm, quite a few levels above snowflake. They’re too busy sitting on the “Trump Train” that’s derailing as we speak.

ScarJo as Ivanka? Fuck, I think I’m really gonna enjoy SNL for as long as Trump sticks around (which I hope isn’t very long).

Yeah, but have you seen those emails?!?

Great, another asshole gaslighting, with more dumbasses lining up behind him for some reason.

35% overall? Spicey would call that fake news and say that his approval rating actually went up 35% (and is now over 100% overall).

But he’s still willing to pay his supporters’ legal fees, right?!?