“Stop it plz”
“Stop it plz”
So. Much. Winning!!!
“Trump likes orange juice.”
By the way, I apologize for giving you star #666. D:
Beat me to it. :/
This is like ‘30s Germany.
Wherever that would be from, Jeff Sessions is probably a board member.
many women may not want to follow the path toward higher pay–which often requires more time on the road, more hours in the office or less comfortable and less interesting work–but they’re better off not feeling like victims
“45" is also good. Sure, it sort of still acknowledges that he’s the president, but doesn’t include his full name and title. I love seeing the snowflakes on the right whining about how much we’re being mean to their orange leader, while they freely gave Obama shit for the past eight years.
On the other hand, this looks like an ideal thing to put on a resume for an ICE position.
Or you could just do everything else to express your xenophobia while still taking their money. If you’re going to be an asshole, do it right.
That’s a bigly claim to make. ;)
It’s pretty convenient to have a paper trail for her racism, too.
I think my monitor vomited after this face appeared on the screen.
Left: MFW Trump has somehow won the election
This Price is certainly not right.
That’s probably how he smiled in every single yearbook photo.
That’ll work. <3
Please don’t ruin ribbon candy for me. :/