Betsy DeVos’ suggestion for public school lunches?
Betsy DeVos’ suggestion for public school lunches?
If this is Sharia Law, then what’s the opposite?!?
That poop really just wanted to GTFO this world after hearing about that. May it have a happy life elsewhere.
Gotta love the username, tho.
Trump would also definitely brag about paying more taxes than Obama, even if that were far from the truth.
Ashley Madison probably sees this guy as a walking bag of cash.
Go pat yourself, fuck.
I’m gonna keep doing it until Trumpcare kills me.
Also, never order the fish.
That kid knows how to do this meme.
Sadly, it’s not always easy to detect this kind of sarcasm since Trumpers really would say something just like this. It’s almost like The Onion articles being less amusing since that kind of satire is actually realistic nowadays.
8. The tub loves its country and just wanted to make America great again.
Welp, I’m going to hell for laughing at this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you mean it’s funny because this guy is such a fucking asshole and helps make an ass out of Wall Street, then yes, I think we can be friends.
A college professor friend of mine has (or had) a lousy student named Kevin, whom she privately called Fucking Kevin. Whatever this guy’s name really is, it should be previxed with a Fucking.
If he wants out of this administration, acting dumb will not work at all. Trump only hires the dumbest, so Spicer needs to start reiterating some Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes or something.
It’s like seeing some shiny and expensive item in the window, and knowing that we’ll never get it. We were so close to having real leadership and policies, but it just had to be ruined by Russia and the lowest of scum in this country. Now we’re all going to choke to death and we probably won’t even get to watch…