Jonathan Carpenter

We need a series based on the Fables comics, which is what The Wolf Among Us was based on. Once Upon a time was awful because it was the Disney version, and this looks even worse. The Fables universe is so rich with very adult stories that are actually interesting, and I can’t believe it has yet to be snatched up to

Interestingly, Boy George did at one point write “Waka waka waka waka waka Wakandacon” as a song, but he changed the lyrics substantially before releasing it.

It is the WB, they absolutely will be assholes about it and F-over their TV shows. Heck I would not put it below them to make the rights for supergirl characters so expensive, the TV production company can’t make any more of the show. That or welcome to only having Z-tier villains on Supergirl from now on.

My response to a Benoist-less Supergirl movie

So many DC movies get announced and then seemingly go nowhere that I don't let myself believe they're happening until they go into production. I hope they find a good way to do this, but won't be surprised if it doesn't happen either. 

They clearly don’t know that all the FPS Nazis are going to screaming about this until they fix it. I have yet to see a game come out where there isn’t someone bitching about it not hitting 60 FPS or higher.

This past weekend didn’t have too much in the way of news involving Gunn and Disney. However, there were some interesting new people coming out in support of Gunn, making sure to keep the discussion going in some way or another. Brace yourselves, because this will be a longer than normal one, since this covered

Executive:“Make it stupider, McElhenny.”

I’ll fucking say it. I love Guy Fieri. I am fucking jealous of his life.

Have a blog, and ditto. I am not twenty-five, I do not have perfect skin, and I am not a makeup maestro. I absolutely edit photos to fix contrast/saturation/color issues (I kinda have to, because I’m also not a photography maestro), and I will absolutely airbrush out a gnarly zit or take some of the red out of eyes

AND does it BEFORE leaping out of a window and scampering through the woods?!  ALL HAIL THE BATSHIT QUEEN!

Disagree, Riverdale is camptastic. Its self-awareness is second to none and its absolute insanity just works. Where else but Riverdale can you find a mob boss named “Papa Poutine” who owns Montreal Poutineries as a front for organized crime and the show plays that totally straight.

Son of Dathomir is actually a Dark Horse comic.

Pro Tip for the first guy:

Remember how racist Shogun World was before the episode ever aired?

You’re the only person I’ve seen on io9 who has made a comment that’s both fair to Gunn and Disney, without letting them off the hook for their mistakes (but keeping those mistakes in proper context).

That fur coat she wears in the trailer makes Starfire look MORE like a streetwalker than her more famous comics costume.

Also, Bobcat Goldthwait came out in support of James Gunn in the best way: by asking Disney to remove his voice from their theme park.

Pretty sure the “some reason” is Martin Scorsese...if he’s still executive producing this movie, that is.