Jonathan Carpenter

Obviously with an uninformed opinion like that you must not be a mother. ;p

what does ted cruz have to do with a giant chicken?

That would certainly reduce my height from 6'2 to 5'8. Thanks for the useful suggestion.

But...there’s so many question marks and things to look at and stuff to climb and monsters to fight and... I guess that’s not the main story, but that’s how long it took me to see the credits. Those mocking, mocking credits.

I feel like maybe he’s the surgeon who pioneered the procedure, which explains why the transfer never quite took.

Nope. Her goal is to funnel public money into private religious schools, so that the children can learn that Jesus rode on a dinosaur.

Except paying $10 a month to access these games is in no way shape or form buying anything.

It’s a slow creep.

New TGI Friday’s Jack Daniel’s Southwestern Sushi Eggroll Burger Bites with Thai Peanut Sauce and Cheese! something they’d have.

Well yeah, that’s because they were ALL PAID ACTORS BRO #WOKE

Nowhere did I say it’s worth Amazon Prime to only buy a few games a year and nothing more. You created this whole fantasy scenario in your head just to shake your cane at Prime.

He knows what Trump really is.

Uh... no. Not in any way that matters. They share the same userbase and virtual ecosystem. They’re not fractured, basic economic lessons would teach you this.

A squirt of ranch dre...

But it’s perfectly fine if it’s that bitch Clinton and her emails 10 days before the election ...right?

You fool, now some pretentious, goose-stepping, Snyder fanboy is going to pull some nonsensical bullshit out of his ass to pretend that Suicide Squad wasn’t terrible by claiming it’s somehow an homage to a much better movie. Let me remind any of those idiots that you are grasping at straws in an attempt to justify

I’ll probably be opening myself up to some abuse here with this opinion, but I’m with you on that one. They were in a tricky situation with the character of The Ancient One to begin with. The original version in the comics was a racial stereotype, it would have been insensitive to use it. Then they had the issue of

Silicone IS a rubber, you silly fucking pancake:

Silicone IS a rubber, you silly fucking pancake:

I believe the driver would be an asshole because assholes shit on everything but as we know dicks fuck assholes too!

It means that you’re a cretinous little crybaby who’s spent the last month swearing up and down that anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary (even if they also didn’t vote for Trump) should march into the sea. I shudder to think what kind of “creations” you’ve strung together on the YouTube cesspool.