Two things:
Two things:
The problem is that these complaints just have a nasty undertone to them. A lot of superheroes have had different identities, it’s nothing new. How many Batmans have we had? Several Thors for that matter, but this amount of complaints wasn’t seen until a woman took up the identity. What’s new is it’s women this time.…
I know man, then we can get back to having 90% of comic characters be white males, instead of the 75% we're at now! As a white male, I was beginning to feel under-represented.
I hope all the changes in Marvel means that dudebros who trot out the “why can’t they have their own characters wahhhhh” pissbaby moan will stop reading Marvel entirely and just go away forever. Sales might slump for awhile, but they’ll climb back when more and more people who aren’t pissbaby Internet tough guys…
Yep, all two of them that have been gender bent. Two means all, right?
Ugh, every single comment has to be stupid now...
X-23 is so bad ass, she’ll make a fine Wolverine.
Bungie didn’t help by giving him shitty dialog and writing a terrible story too.
I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the fact that the more progressive we get, the more and more these people sound like absolute LOONEY TOONS.
And get over being looked down upon. It's going to happen, it's the risk you take in this society. I'm not against the brony culture, but I laugh when people get angry when they get made fun of. What did you expect to happen? You're going to need a thick skin, laugh it off.
Thanks. "Coming out" is good term for disclosing your sexual orientation, but not the best term. I personally think you succeed best in work and in life by being who you are. I understand that people sometimes can't be, but you often put yourself at a disadvantage.
I've been super hot on Spark since the reveal.