
I think there’s a difference between “I wasn’t impressed with what she did” and Vixen’s attitude toward Eureka (which seemed very personal). They all make comments about one another (and always have) especially when it’s clearly being posed by the producers. That’s different than playing a fake violin in the workroom

The Vixen’s petty, immature ass coupled with Todrick being Todrick wasn’t helping matters at all. I can see why Eureka had a mini meltdown in that regard, failing in front of an enemy (who will be all too happy to use that against you) has to suck hard.

I’m 100% sure that they couldn’t get the rights to a song for an affordable amount.

A little late to the game, vacation, y’know - but here, have some Random ‘pinions:

I understood Cracker and if they didn’t get the vocoder bit, what the shit she didn’t write it. The judging has been all kinds of cray and random and unfair this season. Monique took the brunt of most of that. And I’ve never been a Michelle fan, but her critiques have been worse than usual.

I think her performance reminded me more of younger Diana Ross than Cher. Vixen could move and perform but she had to perform in a way where you can see some semblance of Cher.

I don’t think I’d call it “PTSD” and I don’t think Eureka means she has actual PTSD, but I was a dancer and ice skater and after a major injury, it’s not uncommon to be more cautious and afraid of re-injuring yourself.

Having the queens sing live never seems like a great plan. I wish they’d stop those types of challenges.

Aquaria has been the It Girl of NYC for years and it’s because if her performances - if she lip syncs for her life (and I’m not sure if she will, she’s been killing it every week) you’ll be impressed I can bet on it.

Todrick Hall, who was taking space from Candis Cayne, if memory serves...

Tyra Sanchez’s time is running out, what with all this nonsense getting herself banned from DragCon this weekend after threatening other queens and the convention itself. The Vixen would be wise to take the whole of Tyra into account going forward.

How is having Ru all over the werkroom any different than having Tyra all over the model house? It’s not as though Ru invented Reality Show Host Ego or something.

I’m as bitter as they come but that’s not what I was saying. The sit-down was fine and sweet and I think Asia was genuinely coming from a good place. But contextually it was hypocritical when Asia has not displayed the best people skills in the past. She sours the goodwill she builds up by being super *bitter* for not

He always comes across as overly harsh, almost as if he’s trying to psyche the queens out.

So, I’m of two minds about The Vixen. On the one hand, I didn’t mind her standing up for herself in certain situations. On the other, it just got to the point where she was starting shit for no reason and then she was throwing shade and making excuses for her own failures. She is not self aware at all -as she refuses

It takes a really bitter person to say that Asia’s sit-down with The Vixen was anything but congenial. As was her helping literally every queen with outfits in prior weeks.

I just saw Todrick live this weekend, so I was happy to see him back... until he just went in on all of them. Alyssa was a ray of constructive sunshine compared to him. It makes me wonder if he’s just like that or if he starts out nice and they just edit it down to his frustrations. Either way, I’d rather have Alyssa

The fact that Cracker’s Cher was “too much Cher” and they bent over backwards to say nice things about Aquaria’s Barely-There Cher suggests to me that the producers have decided which twin will be going the distance already, and it won’t be the consistently good Cracker.

I would gladly trade Todrick for Alyssa - he seems like a terrible coach who tries to motivate the queens with fear.

Your tone seems very pointed right now