Patty Jenkins is a honeybadger. She wouldn’t have let them. Not everyone is as tenacious as her.
Patty Jenkins is a honeybadger. She wouldn’t have let them. Not everyone is as tenacious as her.
Oh, sweetie—it’s not that anyone is unfamiliar with your particularly boring drumbeat, it’s just that no one cares. But I’ll give you a star to heal the deep wounds she’s inflicted on you.
Still beating that dead horse. I’m not even an Amy Shumer fan, but Christ... stop trying to make fetch happen.
Good grief it’s like you actually thought, “What would be the least appropriate comment for this article about Molly Ringwald coming to terms with John Hughes’ sometimes-gross treatment of femininity,” and then wrote that. You couldn’t take the extra half second to scan the article before commenting some…
It’s a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend song
“It’s not an issue because I said it isn’t,” is a really convincing argument. Well done, I’m sure no one will ever talk about trans women ever again.
The invective is Beagle’s. The reviewer simply says that maybe the reason it isn’t there is because one of the main characters is a clear stand-in for someone openly anti-trans. Most of the reviewer’s invective is about how facile the author’s treatment of feminism and life in America today is in general. The lack of…
Except, at least by the critic’s reckoning, one of the main characters is meant to be a stand-in for a real-life person, who herself is proudly anti-trans as a major part of her platform. Now, whether that’s connection is apt or not would require reading the book to know, not a presupposition about the reviewer’s…
Cults initially work on people because the first experience can be intense and positive. Over one weeklong retreat, or whatever, you go from depressed and alone to meeting a ton of new, typically young people who are just like you. Your unmoored life suddenly has structure, you’ve made friends for life, you’ve…
It may surprise you that, in a book where the main characters are supposed to be adequately addressing social issues, mentioning how stupidly they do so is actually literary criticism. If Moby Dick involved a lot dudes calling whales crustaceans, you could indeed question why the author cared to write in this milieu…
Sorry that this literary criticism doesn’t meet your hallowed historical standards. I’m sure the author of this review will be happy to get off your lawn.
If you’re going to write a novel about modern feminism, you should probably, you know, at least mention one of the biggest issues affecting modern feminism.
It doesn’t, but when the topic is a modern young woman working for an older feminist icon, and it specifically talks about feminism, it’s not crazy to talk about the blind spots involved. If no one in the Devil Wears Prada actually talked about fashion in an intelligent way, you could be fair in calling it a facile…
The Kids in the Hall (and Scott Thompson specifically) don’t get enough credit for normalizing queer culture for a whole generation of straight dudes who could’ve easily learned otherwise.
Not gay so maybe my take on this is less than needed but always felt Scott Thompson and Amanda Bearse(Marcy from Married with Children) get short changed in the gay history of television(GHT). They were out way before the late nineties when I seem to remember stars coming out being a big deal.
As a white person, I have no goddamn clue why other white people struggle with whether it is ok or not to use the word, regardless of context it is used in. Unless you are of African descent / heritage, do not fucking use it - ever. We (white people) do NOT and should not get a say in whether it is ok for us to use it…
I generally tell people I don’t like hearing the n-word and to please just chill out on using it whenever it’s spewed out so casually on Discord. You just have some people that are so blatantly toxic and racist in defending their right to say something that’s “just a word” that they’d rather harass, ridicule, and…
Maybe you don’t do well here because you’re the kind of insufferable prig who thinks commenting about a tv show is indicative of something greater?
It’s... interesting there is a gender-nonconforming kid in the cast, considering Roseanne has shown herself to be a massive transphobe.