
They should have ended s6 with Abrahams death and started s7 with Glenn’s instead of cramming them into one episode.

Yep. I’m here for Carol until she is officially killed off. Though, ugh, I really want Rosita to turn it around because AMC shows are so plagued with the most loathed women characters. It’s Skylar White, Lori, and Andrea (who seriously, never did anything truly wrong and was demonized for trying to broker peace


I literally did the same thing, after episode 2 this season i stopped watching. The whole season finale last year just showed me how the writers would rather ruin an amazing scene with a shitty cliffhanger than have a good show. Imagine if in Game of Thrones, at the end of season 3 during the red wedding when they

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who am I defending?

“But you didn’t get your way 100%, so it’s not good enough for you.”

I’m not the one throwing a tantrum here.

Which one of the candidates you’re backing supported the fucking war. That you Hil-bots are SO, SO, SO, SO, fucking tone-deaf is almost impressive. The hypocrisy is what makes it infuriating. Do you class-trading fucks have no soul? At all?

Your economic policies say you only give a shit about you and yours, definitely not the country or progressive values. I could give a fuck what you think about feminism or gay rights - as long as you support corporatist neoliberal economic policies, you don’t represent the left.

Who’s “we” there Bernie?

It’s always hard to unite the rebel alliance.

At the same time as picking the Obama selected replacement they also voted to go back to sucking on the corporate teat. Thus proving conclusively they don’t give a shit about either working people or winning elections.

Can’t wait to hear more excuses from the idiots who couldn’t even beat an actual Nazi in the year 2016.

I’m tired of being talked to this way by you and the party that claims to represent me.

Well stated. An Ellison win would have been pragmatism defined.

See there is the problem. We lose the election because the Republicans used an organized strategy to gerrymander most of this nation, the Dems led by Wasserman failed to organize in return thinking Obama was gonna carry the day. This allowed operation Redmap to work, in the few states where the Dem’s realized this

This is the thing. 33 of the 50 states are governed by Republicans. There are more state houses controlled by Republicans than Democrats. There is no one the Dems should be turning away. NO ONE.

You do realize Ellison said he was going to resign his seat right? Also, when you’re in the straits the Democrats are, rebuking the future of your party and your movement seems short-sighted.

That’s the thing. Despite the fact that I don’t have ideological issues with Perez, it just proves that despite the fact that Ellison had more support by people in the party, money won. I’m fucking over begging the DNC to listen to the party base- young people, women, and non whites. Instead they go establishment

God forbid we try to actually respect what the people want from a DNC chair. I’m seriously considering leaving the party over this bullshit.