
You forgot the #MAGA!

That seems uncannily accurate.

We’re going to be better at this then he is someday :\

Do you write his tweets? That was perfect!

Hey remember when Roseanne sang the national anthem, got booed, spit, grabbed her crotch and gave everyone the finger?

lol i am dying at the unnecessary caps and commas. SPOT ON!

How bad is the state of the world when your comment is not immediately recognisable as satire??

In other news, Trump is considering stripping healthcare from Native Americans unless they get jobs. There is no end to his vile, racist behavior.

I was wondering if he was actually going to try to attract attention to himself instead of letting a funeral take the headlines. Sure enough, that’s what he did. Typical behavior for a sociopath, throw in dementia and you have Trump.

Now playing

Also, one of my favorite lines from Tom Arnold in True Lies, filmed when the divorce with Roseanne was going through:

“VERY MEDIOCRE Hollywood liberal Tom, Arnold is jealous over his Ex-Wife Roseanne’s (and a very good Friend of mine) VERY high ratings for her show that wants to make American great, is trying to distract from Funeral Day of an important Woman in AMERICAN history (Mother of man I beat bigly)“