dead inside

Okay, it says it may trigger Crohn's - not cause it (to folks commenting down below.) Now, I have Crohn's and didn't get it until after a time when I was on a LOT of hormones for a different, unrelated problem (yay endo!) When I was diagnosed I had seen some of the correlations between hormonal treatment and Crohn's,

OMG, yes! I forgot to include the time when I broke down in the mall b/c the site of a person eating alone was just.too.much.

I'll buy the first round.

I'd like to hear more about the morbid history tour, please. I'm a total sucker for stuff like that.

We should form of coven of wizard lady parts!

Fuck your lip-shaming Amber, I'm rather proud of my wizard's sleeve.

Seneca Crane is kind of hot. If you are drunk, I am jealous. It's only 1 pm where I am and I cannot justify it just yet.

This is really turning my stomach.

i have a stuffed animal platypus from the early 90s that i have fabricated an entire personality for. he has a boomerang business on ebay, hates junk food, gets frequent ear infections, and loves selena gomez. i a sick person. but i love him!!

Ahh Barbizon. Such a scam. I had a nasty former friend who went there and came out convinced that she could now call herself a model. The only work she got was pretending to be a manequin in a store window and dressing up as Tony the Tiger at a Costco. The tacky shoots that popped up over a few more years of denial

But that bus was just trying to stay above 50 mph.

My fellow hoes disappoint me.

Another idea - let's make it a reality show.

Look, if your Prince Charming doesn't may be doing something wrong. Maybe ask him what he likes or if he...

It was the blurst of times?

That's gonna attract bears.

Are horse dogs okay?

Not my dog, but since my cat passed I've unofficially (since they won't let me whisk her out under my jumper) adopted my aunt and uncle's dog. This is the world's most adorable comma.

Buster and Sophie: