
I like how all negative reviews of this album, or just reviews that dare mention how idiotic the lyrics are, have gotten a legion of these snarky, indignant, hyperbolic responses. Dave Mustaine is a racist, bigoted moron writing grade school-quality lyrics (and recycling his back catalogue for riffs, to boot). I don't

That's…disappointing. I hope they at least keep Drew Goddard and Doug Petrie on board.

Wait so, not only will we be getting a dark, gritty, dark, misunderstood Batman, but also a bald Lex Luthor with no hair on his head? This is going to be a bold film. One that is also dark, and edgy.

He does appear as a younger version of the character in some of the deleted scenes and additional material or whatever. I think he does a TED talk.

He actually has a knowledge of and interest in both the genre and the series itself, for one. Neither of the directors you mentioned really fit the series or the material. They clearly belong in other genres, and do their best work there. Plus the scripts for those films were garbage by the time they started shooting.

"If you don't want to believe it, no one's gonna force you."

You must be crushed.

I love both eras, but it's hard to disagree with Lennon here.

Seems like Fox is continuing their beloved practice of airing episodes in no fucking order whatsoever, which would explain why arcs just seem to appear in this episode apropos of nothing.

This episode was just the worst. Evil kids and evil dolls are easily among the lamest horror archetypes and King manages to give us both in cheesy, cliched fashion. Everything rests on trite plot contrivances, wafer thin characters and an utterly generic MotW that feels like a placeholder villain that never got a

I love Detour. Its exactly the kind of MotW episode I enjoy. Creepy, funny, great moments between our leads. And the "monster" isn't just, say, some dopey rapist who is played for laughs and sympathy. You can understand the Mothmen's motive, but it doesn't dilute the plot or become some "lets feel bad for the villain"