
The only dog I've ever been bitten by is a Toy Fox Terrier. More dangerous than any Pit I've ever been in contact with.

Couldn't do it last night with AT&T eating shit and Apple just not being up at all. Did it this morning with no hassle really. I ordered my wife's through Apple's website (when I tried to add a second phone for myself the site said I had too many phones in the cart). So I ordered mine through AT&T's site. Both sites

I got snipped a couple months ago... It's even more fun when you never have to pull out : D


You don't lose unlimited. I dumped my unlimited plan though. My data usage outside of my house is usually 100 MB or less per month. I couldn't see the reason for sticking with paying for something I don't use. At home I'm always on wifi.

Google bought android. They didn't invent the concept. They certainly didn't innovate.

Get the 4S. When the 5 comes out, you will be able to sell it for a decent amount, more than likely enough to pay for the 5. This is how I upgrade every time. I haven't actually paid out of pocket for a new phone in 3 years.

If god existed, I would ask it, "Please, no more instagram."

Is psychology today written by drug addicted hipsters living in san fransisco?

Got my 4 less than a year ago and I'm eligible for the early upgrade discount price : D I'll be buying 4S's for my wife and I. I'm so turned on right now. You have no idea.

Strange. I got my iPhone 4 less than a year ago and I'm eligible for the discounted price of $399 for a 64GB 4S.

Steve Jobs just died. It's on the news.

Anyone else immediately think of prayer when they saw the words "placebo effect?"

It is a photograph of three elderly men.

My 32 GB 4 is in pristine condition. I'll be selling it on craigslist.

I didn't make a fuss of it because it's an android. As a former android owner, they'll have to embed Zeus himself into the OS before I'd ever consider switching back, much less ever get excited over an android product ever again.

I like the LED. Comes in handy as a flashlight.

I just bought a high end point and shoot... the sensors on these phone cameras will always be too small for serious quality. Point and shoot cameras can always go so far as well.

The squirrel? Looks like a squirrel to me.

People should stop believing everything they read. It's their own bloody fault.