
"what do you nay-sayers dislike?"

"far superior to Sunshine's difficult to play along with science premise."



True that!

I have both Resistance games, and while they are fun ... I assumed the MP was going to be a complete bullet-fest.

ATTN Game Developers: Tribal tattoos were never cool to begin with, please quit using them on your character models!!!

FFS, does it really take a couple hundred bullets to kill just one guy?

"And the machine will be as powerful, if not more powerful, than an Xbox 360"

Poor girl. :(


It's a shame that the sequel wasn't that great. I've always wanted another Flashback title. The original is still an amazing game.

Same here.

Doesn't look like it.


Exactly what I was thinking!

This makes me not only extremely sad, but very angry.

"Or pirates could stop being fucking tools and quit illegally downloading things they don't own."

No doubt.

I'd fucking KILL for a current gen solid kung-fu game.