Dead Mike

“Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”

show me a deed

If it’s already registered with the Coast Guard, I’m assuming that it meets all CG requirements for a vessel of it’s type.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

More people off road their jeeps ( yes I know this is about broncos but similar enough) than sports car owners track day their cars yet there is so much hate just aimed in just one direction.

Yea I was thinking this or the explorer ST would be viable options.  Also, maybe a Tahoe

Keep the SS you moron.

Good grief.

I’d normally agree with you, but let’s not forget that Patrick developed her career by posing as a sex-symbol.

While we’re at it, is it illegal for me to be typing this with my penis?

Technically he is right, we aren’t yet in a depression. Unemployment is very high, and GDP did nosedive off a cliff, but most commonly definitions require a recession to last a few years before labeling it a depression. So far we are only 2 quarters into this so it is still defined as a recession. We might still get

“...during an economic depression.”

But you can give those people reasonable advice without giving information that is blatantly false.

Thanks for posting the whole email. One thing I noticed about it is that the only positive (from a justice perspective) listed for continued production of cop cars is a vague mention of “smarter Ford vehicles” that “can be used” to hold officers accountable. Nothing concrete. Not even an example of an existing

“So get your hate out of here.” Name one episode of the Dukes that showed hate? The flag was not an instrument of hate like the Nazi symbol, it was a battle flag of people who are actually veterans of the US military. Do I support the South’s fight in the Civil War, nope. But I respect the people right to fly that

HAHAHAHA Has Turn10/Playground Games ever even looked at the decal store in-game? This is the absolute least of their worries. What a joke. Talk about virtue signaling

We banned the Dukes of Hazzard paintjob? Excellent, racism solved, everyone. Way to go. Because the only people cosplaying the single most famous paintjob for a Charger were all Klan members, no exceptions.

This is one of the most idiotic articles ever posted on Jalopnik.

What a load of BS. There is no one saying you don’t have the constitutional right to assemble - but that right can be regulated. For example you can’t assemble in the middle of the street and you certainly cannot assemble in front of a police car with its sirens on. That’s like saying you have the right to bear arms

Ah, I see the first of the intellectual responders has arrived, penis in hand.