
Other folks have pointed out some of the other flaws in your post, so I’ll focus on this one:

As someone who totally buys that her goblins are based in anti-Semitic tropes (Rowling hasn’t met a reductive stereotype she won’t play into), that 1612 thing in your second link is one hell of stretch. I imagine almost any year she’d plucked out of the air would have some anti-Semitic event in it, but even if 1612

why did the NHS shut down the Tavistock clinic?

And Keanu still walks among us...

Also, fwiw, I am 42 years old. I have spent most of my life watching shows that were 20+ episodes per season. It’s too much, it has always been too much, but networks had to sell as much ad space as possible to be able to keep making shows at all...with streaming, we don’t have to do that anymore. The whole point of

I remember a few decent action set pieces from the Netflix show but to call the show “action focused” seems like a bit of a stretch.

because you mean “stop being trans and act like you were born with a penis” not “lets treat this condition from the DSM-5 using the standard treatment plan laid out in the DSM-5, such as hormone replacement therapy and social transition”. False equivalency is toxic, and you’re trying to use it to discriminate against

A guy who’s totally not obsessed with trans people wrote this.

Again with this? It’s Cliff Booths daydream. Yea Quentin wrote it but it’s fiction. 

It is.

Got it. Since guns are lethal, can hurt people and are legal, then anything else that cause harm should be legal too.


that as a dumb comment..

Flippers don’t hack people. People hack people.

It is really saying something that we can imagine Vin being the reasonable party in this exchange. Man, JCVD.

The games chosen for each volume are... odd. Volume 1 should have been MGS1, 2 and 4, since those are the keys titles in the Solid Snake story arc. Volume 2 should be MGS3, Peace Walker and 5, since those are the key titles in the Venom Snake story arc.

remain some of the most profound meditations on geopolitics, war, and the military industrial complex the medium has ever produced”

I feel like once you release Part 1, you’re kind of locked into the Part 2 title. The movie has come and gone with the Part 1 title, the posters and Bluray covers are printed, we’re locked in. It will be very odd to not have the Part 2 acknowledged. Not that I love it, it should have always had its own title. Dead

Huh? Noah and Millie are 19. Is that not a teenager? Are they really pushing the believability? The older “teens” in the show were already in their mid 20s in the first season. Lol

I don’t think they are unbelievable at all as “teenagers”. 2 of them literally are still teenagers. But they became unbelievable as 8th graders.