
All they had to do to avoid any presumed drag “controversy” was shoot the scene without showing Tenant fully in Jodie’s costume. Keep it all above the shoulders as much as possible - in any case, Whitaker’s costume wasn’t THAT feminine either (and by design IIRC). It wouldn’t have been hard, and instead just ploughed

where’s the concern over erasing Matt Smith and that other guy no one talks about or remembers or references, by bringing back David Tennant?

That list contains Straight to DVD Animated movies, Anime and Sentai.


Yeah, but is it going to be on the blockchain?

“Integrate the Metaverse, Web3 and AI into a slate of films.”

Yeah, I don’t think you can include Lost.

They put that in the first five seconds because if these play as ads in front of YouTube videos that’s how long they’ve got before you can press “SKIP AD”

You’re misunderstanding me. They didn’t remove the discussion of orientation from the bill, but any restriction of age/grade. So it’s now prohibited across all grades. Ergo, “Don’t Say Gay” is (and was) an accurate descriptor.

None of what you said makes sense, but the thing that makes the least sense is that they are trying to drive the stock price down to sell the company. If you intend to sell, you want the stock price as high as possible because that becomes the minimum bid for the sale.

Someone only watches Fox. 

I actually agree with you. My biggest issues with Bush were 1) he was deeply uncurious and 2) inability to empathize with anyone whose experience was different from his own. I will note that on #2 I don’t mean he lacked empathy. I think he, as you said, was well-meaning and wanted to help people. But I think he failed

I always got the impression that George W Bush is a very well-meaning man. I think he got out of his depth, but he genuinely gave it his best and cared about the job he was doing as the President — and I think he understood when he needed to ask for expert opinions.  I don’t think he made all the right calls.  Fair

Here’s the thing: It’s true that this sort of toxic behaviour is par for the course in many industries. I’ve been working in one for almost two decades. And yet, I’ve always been treated respectfully when being given negative feedback.

I love how people take “I’d like it if my bosses weren’t outright mean to me” to mean “I want everyone to be my bestie and I want everyone to praise me every time I do or say something I perceive as great.”

It’s kinda funny you mention this because Ashoka’s duel with Marrok is about as classic “samurai duel” as it gets. 

Exactly right. People defend the show by saying, “It give you all the information you need!” And that’s kind of true. It just gives you information, in the most bland, schematic way possible, not even attempting to make you CARE about anything.

Thank you for supplying the point of the article.

“I’ve seen some complaints that this screws up the timeline, since he’s not part of the regular New Republic fleet in that show and it wouldn’t make sense for him to see this big ring and not mention it to anyone during The Mandalorian, but there’s no reason to think that this doesn’t take place immediately after