
Or more likely, have been threatened by Scientologists.

You mention all these shows and just happen to forget Deep Space Nine? C’mon man! :)

You could just not start every sentence with “Alexa”.

One wonders how stupid the ideas people at the big tech companies are.

I’m not sure if you’re intentionally being obtuse, but that’s not how it works.

Ultimately, it feels like even Tarantino should be celebrating the death of movie stardom, not lamenting it. He still casts bonafide movie stars of yesteryear in his movies, but nobody went to see Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood because Brad Pitt was in it. They saw it because Tarantino directed it, and they like his

This is exactly why I don’t use voice assistants to buy things. If I say “Alexa, buy dog food,” how do I know that it’ll be the right brand, the right quantity, the right ingredients, the right price? Sure, maybe it’ll buy the same one that you bought before, but sometimes companies update the same listing with

The only person who claims Patrick Stewart and William Shatner are good friends is William Shatner. Patrick Stewart gave one interview years ago where he was basically said they’re friends, but inherently different people that didn’t sound like they’re meeting up to be buddies all that often.

I think one of the big points of friction with voice enabled e-commerce is that people really don’t want to conduct interactions in which they will spend money via a technology that feels still prone to miscommunication and an experience that feels like it lacks consent and confidence. As opposed to the written

It’s the Shatner of Star Trek shows.

Witcher 3 has quite a few typical “activity here” events like monster dens, but the majority of it is well-developed side-quests.

Shatner rode the coattail of an unprecedented kind of fandom to reach his level of fame. Credit where credit is due, but Shatner owes as much to Trek as anyone. The rest of them all know or knew it; Shatner never seemed to have received the subspace message.

Yes. It absolutely is. I’d rather reach for the light switch than reach for my phone. That adds steps. That does not make the smart home easier, it makes it harder. I don’t always have my phone on me at home. I don’t want to have to unlock my phone, find the right app, find the right light, and then turn it off.

Interesting. I can see it is likely a failure from the perspective of driving additional sales, but it’s been great for odds and ends around the house. She runs our lights and Roomba and is good for music out in the garage or whatever. More than once I’ve caught myself getting ready to tell Alexa to turn something on

You’re certainly not wrong about reviews/critiques driving engagement. It’s been that way as long as reviews have been a thing, back to the days when newspapers were still relevant. But.

i am a critic and i have EVERY right to review a show that falls in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genre. i’m happy you enjoyed it. that has nothing to do with me. 

that’s the thing right her torturing a young boy, for like... a second, and then everyone rejecting/condeming her isn’t macabre, it’s just psychopathic behavior and it’s not enjoyable as macabre humor/dark comedy.

I will assume based off this comment that you did not actually *watch* Andor, because it’s not really *about* him beyond his conveyance of the larger part of the birth of the Rebellion. He is rarely the catalyst of the story, and that’s okay. Not every character needs to be Walter White or Clark Kent. 

simply because something is not ‘for me’ doesn’t mean that i cannot review it lmao. i enjoy quite a lot of YA fantasy series, and this failed on multiple levels. sorry you’re not impressed, but i don’t really write to impress you specifically. thanks for the comment!

But like those “not another” movies, schlock horror movies are cheap and quick to produce. I’m sure that at some point in the future someone will put their heart and soul into a Bambi or Pooh work and it will be good, or at least interesting. But this is the stuff that comes first specifically because it’s obvious and