
It’s not presented from an explicit storyteller. There isn’t an ever-present character who could be an implicit storyteller. There is nothing to indicate that what we see is unreliable, only that we don’t have the full context.

To my eternal shame, I skipped Tower Heist.

This is what happened from Oshas perspective

I love me some Brent Ratner films

It’s really not. There are three acts to Snyder’s vision of Rebel Moon, and he intends for each of those acts to be told in a two-part movie.

Why not both?

Snyder apparently views it as a trilogy in six parts, which is not quite as dumb as it sounds — it’s three stories, but each of them will be split over two movies. So, yes, he’d like to make a part 3 (and 4, and then a part 5 and 6).

That a singular show has a message is completely normal and doesn’t mean there’s some grand conspiracy across the entire entertainment industry.

My rule for all movie adaptations of books: if it’s exactly like the book, why does it even exist?

I have four parents, and none of them are even LGBTQ+. See if you can figure that one out, asshole.

It’s fine to hate Star Wars’ (lack of) science, but it’s obviously bullshit when people are using it to criticise this one show like it’s some sort of gotcha that proves no one involved knows their lore.

However, online chatter certainly suggests not everyone loved it.

It seems like this is what Martin had in mind

Ooh, I Am Mother was pretty good. I’m suddenly looking forward to the next MonsterVerse entry.

The Jedi Order has never been demonstrated as anything other than deeply problematic at best. Individual Jedi have been shown to be heroic, but the Order has always been shown to be arrogant, foolish, dogmatic, militaristic, and frankly cultish.

The biggest problem I had with it were the wipes. They seemed to always be used at the wrong moments, and I ended up finding them incredibly distracting.

we haven’t had a single piece of live-action content since the original trilogy that isn’t about critiquing the Jedi order

What is even the least bit ‘woke’ about this show ?

Mae is a strong force user herself and can presumably counter such attempts, otherwise every force user versus force user battle in the entire franchise should’ve been a force hold face-off.

To be fair, that can be countered by the fact that Lucas didn’t know that Vader was Luke’s father when he had Obi-wan say any of that.