
A “purposeful, and intentional, cultural choice” with “systems, rules, and such in place to mitigatemight make sense over a limited timeframe, but people will push the boundaries sooner rather than later. There’s just no way it holds for 10,000 years with the exact same players doing the exact same things.

If only perfect people are allowed to watch your show your show

It was not up against Eurovision. They both aired on the same channel.

10,000 years earlier, yet everything is exactly the same. It’s not even Houses Hark, Corin, and Treede. A few hundred years would already strain credulity, but it’s ten millennia and literally nothing has changed.

A work which has been strongly criticised by many fans of the character because it seemed like King (not for the first time) came in with a story he wanted to tell, and shoved the first hero he could get his hands on into the starring role, without much care for whether the story suited their established

Yes. Best does not really describe an experience of harassment, nor does he call it harassment as far as I can see, which is the specific thing I take issue with here. What he says is that he took criticism of Jar Jar extremely personally, which is understandable.

faced decades of horrifying harassment

Having it on Disney first means that people will download it and not watch it on the BBC meaning the ratings will absolutely tank.

For an Academy that has considered adding a popularity award in order to appeal more to “normal” audiences, an excuse to feature five of the most thrilling sequences of the year feels like it should be a slam dunk.

Here’s Danny Boyle’s last six movies:
Yesterday: filming began Apr 2018, premiered May 2019 (14 months)
T2 Trainspotting: filming began Mar 2016, premiered Jan 2017 (11 months)
Steve Jobs: Filming began Jan 2015, premiered Sep 2015 (9 months)
Trance: filming began Sep 2011, premiered Mar 2013 (19 months)
127 Hours: filming

Not to butt in, but I think it’s just down to your use of “already”. By putting it against the 54 minutes, it suggests the 54 seconds is worse.

a baby farm run by babies

Parks and Rec also had a terrible first season, which probably limited how big the ratings could get.

My guess:

Third time? It’s at least the sixth show he’s been pushed out of: Dead Like Me, American Gods, Star Trek: Discovery, The Vampire Chronicles, Amazing Stories, and now this.

No bloopers for these folks; in their line of work, as we’ve been quite carefully taught over the last two hours, bloopers get people hurt, or killed.

There are dozens of characters in most films. You’re assuming the likes of Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Mister Terrific are major characters because you’ve heard of them, but I suspect they’ll be in small supporting roles, barely more than cameos.

It looks they based it on Jim Lee’s way too busy New 52 redesign, and then decided to make it even busier for some reason. What on earth are all those panels and seams for?

I believe they said something on their substack to the effect of “I prefer they, but you can use whatever you like”, but that’s behind a paywall.

And it only officially became Uncanny X-Men with #142.