
Except that her “simply stunning career” largely boils down to having a good working relationship with Spielberg as his producer. She deserves to be recognised for that work, but within the context that Spielberg is one of the all time greats — he didn’t need corralling, he needed someone who could keep on top of orga

So this (thanks wikipedia)...

Hell, Meryl Streep played a supporting antagonist role in the second season of Big Little Lies.

Got a picture of that? I can’t find anything.

Compared to what? The picture in the article is 3 months old. What does she look like right now?

You say that, but Martin has spent literally decades failing to figure out how to bring his sprawl back together for a semi-coherent ending. Why would Benioff & Weiss draw out the obvious?

Now playing

There is a Chinese version already, if you want a stricter adaptation. It came out last year, and the first episodes are available free on YouTube:

There’s one dog you have to kill (it happens in a QTE), I didn’t take note of any whimpering, but I’m not saying there wasn’t any. The rest you can avoid (and they generally show up in areas where stealth is by far the best option).

I think it’s one thing if you’re filming on a set and the view out of the window is a matte painting, it’s another when the entire back wall of the room is a part of that matte painting. The volume pushed a little too far to the latter a little too often for my liking.

Inability or unwillingness to empathise.

Oh, for sure I’d expect her to bulk up. There’s no way she’s capable of getting Abby big though. That’s almost a Tatiana Maslany/She-Hulk level difference between actor and character and I’m pretty sure Abby won’t be CGI.

Not really any specific episodes/timestamps/moments off the top of my head, but if you look in the wider shots, you could often spot the transition — the perspective on the screens would have a slightly flat feel compared to the physical set in front of it.

It kind of feels like they’re trying to head off some of that by casting someone without Abby’s physique, so we can’t really get into “there’s no way a woman could achieve those muscles in the apocalypse” territory. There shouldn’t be any false claims that she’s a trans woman either.

The Mandalorian & Grogu is a horrible title.

I would question whether Barbie has a good reason to be nominated for Best Picture. It was a well-made and entertaining film, but it’s nowhere near one of the best films of the year. Plus, y’know, it’s already successful beyond the wildest dreams of anyone involved — it doesn’t stand to gain anything from a “hey,

I think it would’ve been improved with the minor tweak of bringing back Yon-Rogg instead of using Dar-Benn. That would instantly give the stakes a personal dimension, and would avoid the villain feeling quite so underwritten in the final cut because there’s already a whole other movie establishing who he is. And as a

Shockingly, it kind of is.

Anyone else think that McFarlane is, ironically, the biggest obstacle to this movie getting made?

I thought Blue is the Warmest Colour would’ve been very good, if not for how pornographic the sex was. By which I don’t mean that it was too explicit, but rather that it too often looked like something you’d be more likely to find in a (straight) porn film rather than in the bedrooms of normal people, let alone a

It’s not that complicated.