
A totally understandable beef... if you ignore how events played out.

Completely agree, it’s such nonsense. As you say, it’s not a particularly gendered outfit, and yes, it would’ve been perfectly possible to stick to a close up on his face for the final reveal if he looked spectacularly awful in it.

Not quite. Dark Horse lost the licence immediately after the end of season 12, and the new licensee, Boom Studios, went with a complete reboot that ignored the show as well as the comics. They eventually revealed their new take was part of a multiverse, although I’m not sure if it ever specifically acknowledged the


Where are you getting your numbers from? 73 films in the last 3 years doesn’t sound remotely plausible.

Didn’t they eventually kill all three Lone Gunmen?

then hopes to figure out a solution eventually

It means almost nothing to real people living real lives.

Or the anti-piracy messages you used to get on DVDs, where the best way to avoid that irritation was to buy a pirated copy instead.

To be fair, The Suicide Squad came out during the pandemic and had a simultaneous streaming release. It didn’t do great at the box office, even taking that into account, but it’s really difficult to judge how it would’ve done under more normal circumstances.

They want maximum “engagement” when the actual trailer comes out, so they can crow about how many millions of views it gets in its first hours, because apparently that’s how success is measured these days. And how can you expect everyone to immediately watch the trailer if you don’t strongly advertise its release in

Lack of courage is spot on. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a reaction to the reaction to Snyder’s bloodthirsty Batman and neck-snapping Superman, but it was still absolute cowardice to not come up a situation that could be interpreted as Aquaman killing Manta’s dad, especially when they were building Manta’s

Sticking with a big focus on Black Manta’s dumb vendetta then. Nothing wrong with wanting vengeance on his dad’s killer in theory (it’s worked fine in the comics), but the way it played out in the film left no legitimate reason for him to hold Aquaman responsible. It was a total Darwin Award situation — the only

Acknowledging the existence of homosexual relationships is no moretalking about sex” than acknowledging the existence of heterosexual relationships. Or perhaps you’d advocate for all children to be removed from their parents at birth and raised in a controlled setting where they will never be exposed to the concept

I think the issue is actually one of mediocre writing.

Eli Roth’s long-awaited

I don’t understand why Filoni didn’t open this show with a brief (5-10 minutes) prologue re-creating the final battle from Rebels in live-action.

There was tons of samurai influence in this episode. I found it quite refreshing that they went that way and cut out most of the over-the-top flips and tricks.

The writing is so, so, SO dry, and I can’t figure out why.

My plans involve a trip to Themyscira. Apparently, if you rock up at a functional matriarchy with half an understanding of what a patriarchy is (note to self: it doesn’t involve horses), all the women will instantly become subservient to you, and a harem of brainwashed Amazons sounds like it could be fun. Wish me luck.