
Oh, I’m sure he tried, only to have an actual editor tell him. “No, Mr. Snyder, I cannot put everything you shot in the movie, I do have to do my job and cut stuff”

Snyder’s cut for when you just want a movie to waste your time.

I doubt it, given how much of a fuss he’s already been making of it being “adult” Star Wars.

her being an Inhuman was clearly because of the MCU not having rights to the X-Men

correct me if I’m wrong but no one really cared about the source of her powers

All of Pixar’s best movies are 100% “green screen”. What’s your point?

I don’t believe he’s ruled out going further, just indicated that he sees Messiah as the end of a trilogy and would like to get at least that far. I’d be absolutely gobsmacked if he did make a fourth film though. Hell, in spite of what he’s said, I’ll be pretty surprised if he directs Messiah himself.

Those instances, and the fact he now had to write a whole show about her, probably made him think “I can’t just jump to this robed, wise, older Ahsoka. There’s too much that needs to happen in the middle.”

I saw it. That’s bad enough.

Aside from his obsession with how cool he thinks the letter X looks, this is the man who gave the world the hideous monstrosity that is Tesla’s Cybertruck.

Surely it was immediately before that when he managed to drum up an awful lot of self-serving media coverage for building an unwanted and really fucking stupid airtight metal coffin that was very, very obviously unsuitable for the problem at hand. The expert cave diver pointing out exactly how moronic it was and being

See also, “fewer”.

I’m listening to that podcast you mentioned right now. If even half the stories are true, he sounds like a complete imbecile. It does make me think he must have genuinely suffered brain damage at some pointpresumably the lightning strike on Passion of the Christ (or some other incident at roughly that time) turned

Yeah, I’m glad I saw it before finding out what a nutjob he is. Although he was always the least interesting part of the show, despite nominally being the star. His character is largely just a tool being wielded by Michael Emerson to do the physical stuff.

what worked about B5 was that the show would tease some story element and then have it pay off in due course in a way that made sense and was dramatically satisfying

Yup. Somewhere in season 3 it starts to become clear that Galactica’s writers had no fucking clue where anything was going. The character stuff generally remained solid, but the plot stuff was just endlessly pulling shit out of their asses that made no sense.

better than ever in its second season

playing it like a straight romantic comedy and not betraying that it’s a horror film until just the right moment

She’s far too old for the role, certainly doesn’t have the chops for it (her best performance by a mile is in Haywire, where another actress was brought in to re-record her dialogue), and it’s disrespectful because Abby spends a lot of time with a trans character and Carano has made transphobic jokes (which she
