
Do you think he’ll return the favour, by making this a Batman film that’s mainly interested in bringing back every Flash variant it can get its hands on?

Sure... if you completely ignore intent.

Are they transforming into Russell Brand?

Part of the problem is that 1) it’s extremely easy to say “Well, X has never been that way with me” and 2) the kind of person who HAS been “that way” with others is often “that way” with others because those others are not part of their in-group.

I put it down as a big reason why the MCU has been so successful too. Not that it was perfect, but actual teases for future stories were few and far between and largely kept to post-credit scenes all the way through to Endgame, with each individual entry primarily focused on introducing and resolving its own story.


Hell, I would advocate ending every season of every show that way. It’s not gonna be an option for every story (although it was for every single season of Arrowverse content), but at least make an effort to leave each season in as satisfying a place as possible. Cliffhangers are always horrible and should be avoided in

There may be, but as a creator, wouldn’t you fight to not risk your legacy ending on a pointlessly frustrating cliffhanger? It’s a Superman show, FFS, there’s 85 years of source material to draw on if they do get another year — it’s really not gonna be a problem if they wrap up their current plotlines and give this

As for the free DLC’s, yeah, that’s nice. I’m sure that had nothing to do with trying to save face for the fact that CD Projeckt Red released a broken pile of shit for the overwhelming portion of consumers.

Hasn’t All-Star Superman already been announced as the main touchpoint of the film? I wouldn’t expect The Authority to be the primary antagonists, just a short chapter within that story that contrasts them against Superman and introduces them ready for their own film.

Agreed. The reassessment of Bay’s first Transformers film as pretty good actually is weird, because it’s really not good at all. It might not be quite as awful as the others, but that’s a very low bar to clear and leaves it a long, long way from “good”.

The way they achieved it in the comics was pretty simple — completely neuter The Authority. They basically kept Midnighter (and sometimes Apollo) and tossed pretty much everything else, because apparently the only thing the DC universe could make use of was another Batman running around.

Robert Kirkman (creator of The Walking Dead and Invincible) has a new comic book series launching next week called Void Rivals. He’s been pretty secretive on what the book is actually about, beyond announcing that it features “an ALL-NEW SHARED UNIVERSE” (their caps, not mine).

production has temporarily halted on Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Part 2

You’re mistaken.

Animals are dumb. It’s easy to blend in with them.

Four billion-dollar-plus movies and one more just a smidge below that — only decent numbers... Yeah, right.

Even if it was entirely deliberate, I’d still consider it a bug. A better writer would’ve been able to nod in that direction without it being nearly so clumsy (whether by not overdoing it, or by planting tongue firmly in cheek as they do), which is demonstrated by Kasdan’s contributions in comparison to the four films

Correction: Aladdin did well in Korea too. Really well. It’s currently 4th in the foreign film list (above Infinity War; behind only Endgame, Frozen II, and Avatar), and 11th overall.

It’s my understanding that ALL of these live-action Disney remakes have under-performed.. like, consistently.