Last time I checked, boomerangs were ranged weapons.
Last time I checked, boomerangs were ranged weapons.
Given Ortega just came out to reveal that she thought the creative process on Wednesday was a total shitshow and she had to fight tooth and nail for her character make any sort of sense, does anyone really think we’ll see her working with Tim Burton again if she’s not already contractually obligated to?
As for being disappointed that it’s only a shooter, it sounds like you just don’t like shooters
I think it’s less disappointment that it’s a shooter, and more than it’s only a shooter.
Is Hi-Fi Rush a survival horror game set in the same world as The Evil Within?
It’s not a Batman game.
Wouldn’t surprise me. It was a ridiculous memory hog back when I used the Windows version (although that’s some time ago now), to the point that simply playing an audio file would grind everything else on the machine to half-speed or worse.
The split RAM was relatively easy to handle though, with just a little discipline. Developers had to take account of it from the start if they wanted to produce a PS3 version of their game. Having done so, converting to 360 was straightforward because whatever fit in the PS3’s split RAM would naturally also fit in the…
I always wonder why they don’t do exactly that. And then, once the game is finished and out there, there’s nothing stopping some enterprising individual (definitely not someone from the development team *cough*) from releasing a mod that gives the whole thing a “new” IP-based reskinning.
I especially liked the denial of using “just saying”, as if we couldn’t simply scroll up and see it.
I think the trick to that is in how they handle this season’s finale. They could play up that Joel is making a supremely selfish choice (albeit an understandable one) that even Ellie doesn’t agree with. And they could introduce Abby now so she already has our sympathies, rather than spending half the story with her as…
If it was me, I’d hold it back further... a lot further.
Character development is the story. That was true in the game, and it remains true in the show.
The same is true of literally every episode between 2 and 9 (and the equivalent parts of the game). Joel is tasked with taking Ellie to the Fireflies, nothing moves the main plot forward until they reach the Fireflies. You could literally replace all the stuff between with “10 Months Later” (or however long is…
Yes. Why? It covered very little time in the present. In fact, in this week’s official podcast, Mazin states that he sees it as having only been a couple days since Joel got stabbed.
In the game, there’s a significant time jump between Joel getting injured and when we next see him in the basement, so he’s had some time to start to heal — at least a few weeks, I’d say, although it doesn’t present a firm timeline. There’s even a bonus chapter set in the gap, where they spend some time in an…
The problem is, it’s really, really hard to do that, especially in real time.
You mean the timetable they announced.