
If you’re only interested in plot, just give up now. It’s a road trip and a character piece... everything is gonna be “side mission” until the finale.

Heavily implied” is putting it extremely mildly.

Unless Frontiers of Pandora is right on the verge of being ready (and maybe even then), they might as well hold it back until late 2024 when Avatar 3 comes out.

I don’t get what the problem is. It looks like a straightforward substitution cypher (i.e. 26 symbols representing the 26 letters of the alphabet, maybe some more for punctuation and numbers, if anyone bothered to design them). These are common in comics* (Kryptonian, Skrull, Klyntar, Krakoan) you just make a new

Yeah, there’s already a whole battalion of Captains, three Spider-Men, two Ant-Men, two Wasps, two Hawkeyes, and two Marvels too. But with most of those the link is intentional, and when Monica has alternatives that she’s at least as closely associated with, it makes sense to avoid any unnecessary additional confusion.

I think Part II is brilliant, but I’m not sure its structure will translate well to TV, especially split over two seasons as Mazin has previously alluded to.

It may be that there’s a intent for the MCU to use the Squadron Supreme at some point, and with Doctor Spectrum being one of their key members, they just want to avoid having two completely unrelated Spectrums running around.

Nobody watching a dramatic TV show wants to see Joel craft a bomb or a shiv.

The author, Mike Carey, claims he’d finished writing before hearing about the game, and I don’t disbelieve him. If you can accept that he independently came up with the idea of cordyceps infecting humans, the other elements in common are not a huge leap.

I imagine it’ll show up somewhere eventually, but for the time being, I think you’re going to need to sail.

Well, Godfree’s only contribution to Arrow was to co-write the first full crossover with The Flash, which was arguably the high point of both shows (she was more of a Flash/Legends of Tomorrow writer).

You’ve completely misread that Monica Rambeau thing. Ewing is 100% implying that the movie will use “Photon”, and that’s why her current miniseries is titled Monica Rambeau: Photon (she’d been going by “Spectrum” beforehand).

the worst thing about going to theaters now are all the pre-show ads talking our ear off about how movies are made to be seen in theaters

Joel should be focusing on Ellie telling him about her thoughts and feelings instead of looting cupboards for duct tape and scissors

It’s also the idea that, once you exit a heavy spore area, it’s masks off immediately and away we go, with no need for any sort of decontamination process, despite presumably still being caked in the stuff and with no real way to achieve decontamination out in the world either. It works in the game as a visual cue for

Eh? Snyder’s fans think he’s a genius who can do no wrong. They absolutely do not recognise that he’s making garbage, and they love his version of Justice League.

It’s not a good choice for you. Or for me, I hated it. It’s not a good choice in most circumstances.

For me, the big difference with Hickman was that he clearly established the threat right at the start. That mean you would usually get some sense of how each arc might play into the whole.

A change that’s been a long time coming. I like most of Aaron’s work, but his Avengers run has been interminable — endlessly moving pieces around his chessboard, clearly with some grand plan in mind, but never bothering to give it a sense of structure or establish meaningful stakes, so everything ended up feeling

I especially liked how the thing I apparently missed when I stupidly complained about how illogical it was for Superman’s death to activate the mother boxes, was that Superman’s death activated the mother boxes.