
I think Wright would be well served by finding someone else’s finished script for him to direct. That way he could focus his not inconsiderable talent on the best way to tell that particular story, instead of his non-Cornetto approach where things like plot and character seem little more than by-products of needing to

Regular barriers? Standing has been banned in football (soccer) stadiums in the UK for years because of tragedies due to surging fans. They’re starting to bring it back now, but under “safe standing” conditions, which usually means there’s a big metal rail at waist height between every row or two, so it’s impossible to

I suppose it hard to succinctly say ‘this is set in the fictional world that the toyline was set in, like a movie about Woody the sheriff who fought cattle rustlers and road a horse’.

Yeah, the way the zombies were integrated into the political machinations really felt like an original take. I’m not sure whether it can maintain its freshness after the timeskip at the end of season 2, but I am looking forward to seeing them try.

If you have any intent to watch the show, skip the Honest Trailer, it gives far too much away. The colder you can go in, the better.

For what it’s worth, you’re supposed to wear headphones for the ear licking thing. Done well, it can give sensations as if your ear is being licked for real.

Andy went off a couple episodes back to shut down their climbing business. Yes, on daffodil being the trigger word.

That’s a bad explanation though. The problem with Quantum of Solace is not the writing (it’s not great, but it’s serviceable enough), it’s how badly edited the action scenes are in a piss poor attempt to replicate the aesthetic of the Bourne films. That makes them more confusing than exciting or satisfying, and ruins

I think it can make for a more immersive world when there aren’t invisible walls or other obvious barriers to prevent you going where you want to (or at least they’re much, much further away). I loved what The Getaway series did, where it was technically an open world, but they didn’t bother sticking in a bunch of

I actually fainted in the office after reading “Guts” on my lunch break. It’s the only time anything like that’s ever happened, and it’s not like I’m averse to twisted shit. Maybe it was a weird confluence of other things, because I’ve read it again since and it didn’t bother me in the slightest, but on some level it

I had a similar response to Scott Pilgrim. In that case, I actually think Michael Cera is a solid choice — the problem is that the character is a complete asshole (and in an irritating, rather than interesting, way) who is simply incapable of anchoring the stylishly-directed film built around him.

I loved Iron Man 3, but was only lukewarm (at best) on The Last Jedi. It was okay, but I didn’t find it particularly subversive, bold, or smart — it was the downer middle entry, not quite so beholden to hitting The Empire Strikes Back’s beats as The Force Awakens was at repeating A New Hope’s, but hitting many of thos

There’s really no reason they couldn’t give us a Black Widow-style (i.e. set between Civil War and Infinity War) Iron Man 4 where Stark does indeed go up against Wenwu — the set up would seem to require that he loses, which would make for an interesting switch up.

Because it’s intentionally obtuse. They could’ve got the message across far more effectively, just by writing it in “normal” English. Instead, they chose to go nuts with their thesaurus until it turned into word salad for the vast majority of the audience — when so many uncommon words are thrown at you so quickly, it

Not to mention the acoustics will be completely different in an empty stadium compared to a full one, so unless he’s been shipping in 50,000+ people every time he wants to see how it sounds, he was wasting his time.

I don’t necessarily agree with the original premise, but that’s a hell of a false equivalency. The Fast and the Furious was an advertisement for how “cool” street racing is — there’s no other reading of it. Which Beatles song do you think promotes the creation of a cult to do home invasions and murders for you and

“We decided, ‘Hey, let’s leave the Amanda Knox case behind,’” McCarthy tells Vanity Fair. “But let me take this piece of the story — an American woman studying abroad involved in some kind of sensational crime and she ends up in jail — and fictionalize everything around it.”

Not for the supposed impact of piracy though.

Bad analogy.

I shouldn’t have to watch tie-in TV shows to understand the movies”
How is that any different to the various MCU sub-franchises on the big screen? But also, you don’t. You never have. Every entry except the two-parter of Infinity War and Endgame has introduced and resolved its own narrative.