I dunno. I’d argue Blade (especially the first one) was an action-horror franchise with no overt superhero trappings, whereas X-Men and Spider-Man played that stuff up a lot more and get the credit as a result.
I dunno. I’d argue Blade (especially the first one) was an action-horror franchise with no overt superhero trappings, whereas X-Men and Spider-Man played that stuff up a lot more and get the credit as a result.
Looks like Untold Tales launched a couple months before Web ended. And Spider-Man: The Lost Years was running at the same time, so there was a brief period towards the end of 1995 where there were seven monthly Spider-Man books being published simultaneously. And that goes up to nine if you count Spider-Man 2099 and Sp…
Spider-Man had at least five at one point. Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Sensational Spider-Man, Peter Parker: Spider-Man and Untold Tales of Spider-Man were all running simultaneously around 1996-97.
There was a bit in episode 5 where Monica and Darcy specifically discuss what materials would theoretically be unaffected by travelling through the hex (and how a “fallout shelter” built from it would need to be on wheels). I guess either the rover wasn’t up to spec or they were mistaken, but it was based on something.
My mistake. Although based on wikipedia’s synopsis, it doesn’t sound like it ties in at all, aside from slapping “Disassembled” on the covers.
“Maximoff stormed our facility, stole the Vision’s body, and resurrected him. But that’s in direct violation of Section 36b of the Sokovia Accords and the Vision’s own living will. He didn’t want to be anybody’s weapon.
Yes, we were clearly trying to make him our weapon, why else would we still be studying him in a…
Huh? That was “The Other” wasn’t it? It was the conclusion to Straczynski’s long-running Ezekiel/totem story (and left Peter with biological spider powers, presumably to line up with the Raimi films, that were never acknowledged again), but while it occured right before Civil War, I don’t remember it having any direct…
Shadowland? It brought to an end Daredevil’s impressively lengthy run of being one of Marvel’s best books.
Nah, the other major outcome was Thor becoming unworthy, leading to Jane Foster as the God of Thunder. It also brought Angela (who Neil Gaiman created for Spawn) to the Marvel universe, and she was kind of a big thing for a while, although they seem to have given up on pushing her now.
My PS4 controller recently started acting up (it’s served me well ever since I got my fat model PS4), and when I ordered a replacement it had drift on one of the sticks straight out of the box. That’s only anecdotal of course, but it makes me wonder if there’s some new hardware configuration in widespread use now, one…
I lost Thane, but that was only because I straight up blundered his loyalty mission (tracking some guy from the rafters, I somehow got turned around and couldn’t work out who I was supposed to be following any more). Normally I’d just reload an earlier save, but it felt more appropriate to live with my screw up.
Surely if he needs to explain anything, it’s why he seems to be crediting David Ayer and Jared Leto as the Joker’s creators.
One of my pet hates is when every single quest seems to send you half way across the map and back, so you end up constantly travelling back and forth and/or juggling about thirteen quests at a time, completely losing track of what’s going on in any of them.
I think Loeb has proved himself a complete hack over the years, who’s biggest (arguably only) talent is in knowing to get out of his artists’ way. But even so, it’s impressive how badly and how quickly he fucked up everything good about the Ultimate universe (and took down what was left of J Michael Straczynski’s…
I’d class Ultimax as a sequel, not a re-release. You need both Arena and Ultimax to follow the full narrative. Admittedly, they did at some point release Arena’s campaign as a DLC for Ultimax, which muddies the waters a little, but I still think it qualifies as a separate game.
I think you may be okay. While P3, P4, and P5 all got expanded re-releases, I don’t think any of the major spinoffs have, and there have been plenty of opportunities (i.e. the Arena, Q, and Dancing games).
Ha. I did almost the same thing. In my head, segue was pronounced “seeg”, and it took literal decades before it occurred to me that presenters “segwaying” between topics was the same thing.
I think the problem there is that normal trans people are just people. It’s really difficult to draw attention to trans representation in media without a giant flashing neon sign that shouts out “this person is trans”.
To go in the opposite direction, Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most overrated games I’ve ever seen.
I could be wrong, but I think the actor is Jin Au-Yeung, who’s parents are immigrants from Hong Kong, so I guess he literally has Chinese knees. It doesn’t make the joke better or funnier, but that’s the context.