
Why would anyone mention Black Freighter? Peteypedia is a clear homage to the backmatter from the comics (Under the Hood, Blood From the Shoulder of Pallas, etc.). It’s also non-essential world-building I saw people figuring out who Lube Man was long before Peteypedia started dropping hints.

I think we were supposed to take it that she hit that conveniently smooth rock face behind her at exactly the right angle and gently slid the rest of the way down. But it was truly odd storytelling that they entirely skipped not just her landing, but also Iorek and Roger apparently falling out of the balloon none the

As I understood it, Jones was already in the WGA, and they made him a producer so he could be on set to take official responsibility for all the rewriting the non-WGA cast members were doing because the actual scripts were such a mess.

The only thing I really didn’t like about Dragon Age 2 was that the climax gives a clear binary choice (not a problem in and of itself, although a neutral option would’ve been nice), and then proceeds to play out the same way regardless. Aside from that, the story was far more interesting than the other entries in

I think that’s been overstated, and what he actually meant was that he doesn’t have any plans for it. The implication being that given a few months to think about it, maybe he’ll come up with a new story for a new season. But also maybe he won’t, and in the case of not, he’s perfectly willing to walk away, potentially

Me too, but I bet they did.

Not a chance. It absolutely will suck so hard, but you’re talking about fan boys who thought Batman V Superman was fantastic in its theatrical cut (at least until the “masterpiece” of an extended cut showed them how compromised it had been). There’s no way they’ll admit to not loving his version of Justice League too,

Agreed. I did once go to a packed screening of a Bollywood film and it kinda felt like it fitted there, but that was more of a sing-a-long musical feel. Generally, just shut the fuck up and watch the movie.

Why would she record some of it in vertical video if her sole intention was to play it on TV for her husband? That’s either stupid, evil, or she intended to post those clips to social media — I can’t see any other options.

I was confused by this as well. Surely the more logical response would have been to require they out themselves, but have clear and open rules in place about what they aren’t allowed to do or discuss with regular players (with punishments not just for developers breaking those rules, but also other players who try to

I don’t. What difference there is appears in large part to be down to the way the light is falling on them.

Gareth Edwards? The extensive reshoots on Rogue One were reportedly handled by Tony Gilroy.

If $10 for 4 hours entertainment is a fair price, then 20-30 hours would be worth $50-75, and $60 seems about right.

Significantly so.

For a slightly more meaningful comparison, Charlie’s Angels made $8m in its first three days at the domestic box office, and Atomic Blonde made $18m in the equivalent period/region. All other things being equal (which they obviously aren’t, the domestic/international split may lean more international in Angels case, b

Okay, so he thinks up the idea of the BBs. It’s weird, of course, but I don’t see any inherent misogyny in the concept. Then he has to explain where they come from. I guess there’s no reason they have to be born of women, but it kind of is the obvious, most logical choice (even the braindead part plays directly into

It was oddly lacking in thrills, mostly due to the decision to pace it like a Sergio Leone western. An interesting choice in theory, but in practice, when they’re also hiding the lead’s face, it leaves us spending most of our time separated from him, essentially just staring at an inanimate object. It’s a cool helmet,

If the 70s magically never happened, no one would give a shit about anything Coppola said. It’s hard to reconcile that decade of artform-defining masterpieces with the following 40 years of producing nothing of significant note (not that it’s all bad, but none of it comes close to his previous work). It’s like he make

It’s a “big deal” because most academy voters aren’t significantly more literate to world cinema (or any kind of cinema really — look up leaked voting forms and marvel at the reasoning behind their selections) than general audiences, so a British film would walk it most years on the grounds that people have heard of

Two: inside and outside.