
Honestly, if The Raid 2 was a sign where the series would’ve gone, it’s probably a good thing he stopped there. It had some truly fantastic action, a lot of decent but not particularly interesting action, and a story that wasn’t nearly compelling or intricate or well thought out enough to warrant a 2.5 hour run-time.

Kids watch movies too. That doesn’t mean all movies need to be suitable for kids.

But Rhianna Pratchett worked on the first two games, it’s only Shadow that she wasn’t involved in.

Yes they were. As I recall, I got my first boxed in with the original Spyro the Dragon.

Morrison introduced and didn’t kill a character who as a result shows up from time-to-time = still running on his fumes? That’s an... interesting take, especially given that they tore up most of his X-Men run the second he left.

Very photoshopped.

You’ve clearly not been paying attention. They’ll go with both... and more.

I think there were just as many terrible plot choices in season 1, to be honest. I actually think the main (though far from only) problem was that they ran out of ideas for the action sequences, which were outstanding for TV at the time and carried the show through its many weaknesses, but the bar has been raised

Completely agree with you on Broadchurch: season 1 was a mess saved by good directing and great performances, season 2 was so bad that even the acting couldn’t save it, and I couldn’t force myself to sit through season 3. It’s exactly why I remain unconvinced by the new series of Doctor Who... I have no problem with Jo

The lack of analog sticks (and, to a lesser extent, rumble) seriously hurts several of those games.

To be fair, the “puny minded dipshits” they’re concerned about are the general audiences who know little or nothing about a film until the PR blitz kicks in immediately before release, so we’re still a long way from finding out how much they will (or won’t) be whining.

My suspicion is that’s precisely his problem: he cannot control a budget to save his life, and is unwilling to compromise at all. Let’s not forget, despite going massively overbudget, season one ended up producing two episodes less than had been ordered.

No, because I was mainly addressing a single point in your comment, not everything about the situation. That’s why I replied to you and not the article directly.

“She didn’t even curse!”

*Looks at screenshot (doesn’t notice “Sega” in headline)*

I think it’s one of those things that mostly depends on context and to a great extent the personal opinions of whoever’s talking about it.

This is spot on. My stepdad has an uncanny ability to always find an episode of NCIS (not a Wolf show, but the principle is the same) playing on TV somewhere, and will invariably sit and watch it (often several episodes back-to-back), even if he’s seen it before, even if it’s almost finished by the time he stumbles

The incest might up the ickiness, but I don’t see how it makes a difference otherwise. He was reportedly only in one short scene with Munn’s character, so it’s unlikely that the child actor was even on set at the time.

Hold up, the bullshit punishment” was the warning for coaching. Which, fine, it’s a dumb rule, and it’s only occasionally enforced (as much because it’s so easy to miss as because umpires are lenient about it), but it happened*.

“According to the The Hollywood Reporter, Kinberg had to take on directing responsibilities when Singer went MIA mid-production.”