(DEAD) Goldwings - Remembered for his bravery and heroism... xD

A big YES on the PS3 port with all the bug fixes/framerate issue.

I can see some intimate romance happening there with Snow and Sara (?). Which makes me quite content seeing how this was one of the reason why I couldn't quite get into FF12, because of the lack of romance (Yeah saying it sounds really odd myself :/), which I like (puppy love if you will) in the games since I am a

Hey Capcom this wasn't already in the game as an unlockable DLC, right? Oh wait if it was I'm sure some hacker would have found out.

@Cheroro: Stay strong buddy :(


Uh oh, gone in 3, 2 (bought it!) 1...

@Koji Otaku: Sorry MD, he got you there ^^

@Jennacide: You're missing something with lists. NO ONE AGREES WITH THEM unless they are yours.

@Lezard: PSP games generally bomb unless it has Final Fantasy at the end of it, so really, it didn't matter :(

Kingdom Hearts for me this coming week. Oh and I'm going to check out Wizard of Oz as well.

@Moonshadow101: You new to the (idiotic) review system of the internet, for games?

To all you picking cosplay winners on this page, shame on you for not seeing the awesomeness that is #13.

Well good thing it wasn't based off of my cat. :/

@EvilMetsFan: still a Mets fan.: 3 is the absolute WORST of the Star Ocean series. SKIP IT.

The sucker probably stuffed his pants with Petz games since the probability of taking a Petz game over any other DS game is... about 75% <——- there is no scientific evidence for this percentage, but I R scientist with degree so I R right *bleah*

Microsoft. Please for fucks sakes BRING DOWN THE HARD DRIVE PRICES.