Should we expect more broken games from the angry Japanese crowd of Xbox 360 gamers? Seems like a waste even for Star Ocean 4.
Should we expect more broken games from the angry Japanese crowd of Xbox 360 gamers? Seems like a waste even for Star Ocean 4.
@Koztah: Only thing that will be lost is precious time.
@gti443: I never had any problems and this is the first time I've ever heard of this crash. Was it a big problem or was it an isolated case?
@N●Gage Croal misses when people sent/checked messages: Don't tell me you had doubts that a sub par 3rd party "exclusive" JRPG game wasn't going to come out for the PS3 in Japan.
@Hey_Blinkon: Ignoring it might be a sweeter revenge.
Worldwide Release?
@Archaotic: Square can keep the garbage that was Star Ocean 4.
It's amazing how graphically amazing this looks. Some of these devs can really push the PSP and shouldn't see the need to "go easy," but then I remember this is the "hardcore" crowd we're talking about (-_-)
@Komrade Kayce: Thank god all the kids are asleep...
@zach - smooth jazz and blues: Boooooo :P
@ShaSt One: HELL YEAH! Use Ice Beam to destroy that grass pokemon and Earthquake for the electric ones.
Never expected any less from the best Pokemon game ever.
@Patriot Infinity: Keyword was moving.No way.
It comes down to couch and big screen tv vs. chair and computer monitor.
I for once want to see a collaberation where the two companies make an original IP (if there is one, I don't know of it :/) instead of using a pre-existing IP, but alas I know the consequences of it for the future.
@fanboyps3: It all boils down to money and lots of it.
@(Zombie) Goldwings: Can't really find anything, so I guess it really was the Uncharted fix.
@(Zombie) Jolan: lol well it does say PLAYSTATION Magazine on it, so I won't be surprised if there were some bias. Although it makes my eventual purchase of Uncharted 2 an even better one.
@Rompehamster: Away from the city, no? They don't normally enter anywhere else other than the military bases unless they are ordered to.
@Null: I'm almost finished so I'll give you an update if I find anything.