No internet? How will the socially unadaptable, cowardice trolls and those that want to shove BS down our throats (irony is ironic) be able to survive? Oh the humanity.
No internet? How will the socially unadaptable, cowardice trolls and those that want to shove BS down our throats (irony is ironic) be able to survive? Oh the humanity.
I'll admit right now that I've never seen a Dreamcast in person.
It's decent and I can tell what the game is called. And that is what a cover should be.
I don't know why you'd get a upset about the unlocking hint system. Hint coins are everywhere and true puzzle goers don't need hints :P
Dear lord I appreciate the new content from Sega, but why the hell does it have to be frickin Edy. She's completely useless. Damn you people and your Tsundere (spelling?) loving ways :(
It's not the Gundam's or the people's fault. It's global warming I tell you! :P
@Pretty un-Sneaky Sissy: ...
If that is a confirmed date for Japan, then I'd expect a Western launch around (American) Thanksgiving.
@ShaSt One: Hooray to the ignorant who have no idea of alternate spelling methods in other countries, but their own.
@SlinkyGuy - So Animalistic, I eat tea and poop out stones & Chronixal: It's the day the great Labor King came out from the sky, on his flaming chariot and helped vanquish the evil lord JOMAMA.
@CliffordAlmus: Dude do you still have the Hawaii editions? I had the Michaelangelo one :D
lol I have one of the black tees with the ol frowny meat bun picture back when Michael first introduced this. :P
@JGab: Well stupid people and according to Mr. Rogers, blind people ;)
Maybe you've realized this already Mr. Rogers however out society functions with others telling us what to do, it keeps "everything in order."
@Outkastprince: lol you did wanted me to use this on you :P
Sadly growing older, I have a hard time inviting people to just "game" with me :(
Cosplaying, trying out the new demo and meeting the creative minds of the game devs as well as meeting the gaming press.
@MrBionic: You thought the jet-ski was wtf, wait till you get near the end. Everything gets f-ed up really bad.
Holy crap that was amazing and Drake's little comments during this section was awesome, if not simply amusing.
I USED to be able to do the splits, but now *grumble*