(DEAD) Goldwings - Remembered for his bravery and heroism... xD

@Dead Giveaway: I have developed the same effect now for JRPGs. For combat specifically, I need action ala Kingdom Hearts, Tales series, etc and slow paced combat doesn't work for me anymore which is why I don't particularly like the Dragon Quest games (minus DQ 5).

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I advise you to turn it off and chuck it out the window/burn it as I don't wish for you to cry in outrage at how messed up and idiotic the story and the character development is. You thought you were insane now, wait till you get to the ending.

@Mit: I seriously thought I was the only one that thought Symphonia was overrated by the GC fans because they had no other RPGs to play, hence it was the (only) best one.

Plot IS EVERYTHING in an RPG. Well for me anyway. If the story is ass, my incentive to continue spirals down the toilet and that winds up as frustration if I went farther than the halfway point.

@rjdj_01: Drop by TAY tomorrow as I've finally finished a guide to help folks like yourself. :)

I'm guessing either Section 8, Guitar Hero 5, or Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny.

Remind me to never juggle my PS3 controllers around while playing Sigma 2.

Here's a tagline and I'll do it for free.

@Noyse: Like games right? :D

@Firkraag: Here's something even odder. You know all those developers that create our games? Well more than half of them have never touched a video game ever in their lives. Some play WOW, but that's usually as far as it goes.

@RoFFL3s: Come on man lets not start handing out scores on how the lady looks. It's demeaning, but personally I think she looks cute.

@BurntFM: Awww. Your avatar is adorable as well. Damn too much cute in one day is making me sick, yet fuzzy inside.

@Crimsondramon: Remind me to never show you that kotaku article about how Pokemon games will evolve on handhelds, only then.

@Crimsondramon: I would leave those on the DS unless they made a Wii centric Pokemon adventure game.

@Archaotic: But, it's sooo fukcing cute!! YOU kill it D:

NOO! The cuteness is melting my putrid, rotten heart

I thought that was brilliant and I learned something about ninjas too.

@deanbmmv: If it's a 20GB, 60GB or 80GB, wanna give it to me instead of chucking across the room?