Deacon Vex

The problem with a general strike is the same problem the left has in every other facet of trying to organize: Whose issue is most important? Are you striking for income inequality, racial inequality, sexual assault, giving everyone a free puppy? Your highly paid skilled workers unions probably don’t give a shit about

Yeah, her tenure is light on provoking NK, but heavy on provoking Russia. Her stance on forcing a showdown with Russia over Syria managed to make Trump’s Russian involvement seem like an asset instead of a liability. Thanks, Hillary.

If you really think Hillary wouldn’t have rushed to get us into another war then you have no idea who you are talking about, and no for the last time I’m not and never was a Trump supporter, and it sucks that people actually have to say that now because people act like she is so god damn innocent.

forecast: all the VR devs laid off from that industry’s bubble popping will get hired up by the Kremlin and NSA to build increasingly realistic propaganda, but will just half ass it and end up using stock Unity assets that we’ll be able to spot.

You clearly do not live in California. They are everywhere.

So your theory rests on the idea that these police officers cleared the area but somehow missed Bennett when they were doing so? Interesting.

Yeah, it’s totally suspicious when you respond to a call about gunshots and find people running away and ducking behind cover.

Apparently police body cams actually do work in a similar way to that... Except they automatically turn OFF whenever an african american person is nearby.

On one hand, AoE3 was utter crap compared to the golden entry in the series AoE2...

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.

Pack it in folks, this pun wins the day.

So what you’re saying is that he is looking for a true PAL.

Except the campaign of the original Battlefront 2 (man is that weird to say) following the troopers of the 501st was pretty freaking fantastic, so never write such things off too quickly.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

In some history books in 2150 it would read “The second cold war was started by a strange group of people that loved rusted Volkswagen Beetles and brown station wagons”

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

Yeah, it’s gone to shit. Gamecast doesn’t even work half the time anymore.

LOL, that has nothing on this one:

Correct. That’s what friction does. I’m guessing some road, after his tires blew out, a curb, the drainage ditch and most likely, both Austin’s feet planted firmly on the brake pedal while he screamed like a little girl all slowed him down considerably before he took flight.
