Deacon Vex

Perfect enough!? I was able to read through about 30 hillary pandering posts, but yours made me comment. She was nowhere near perfect. She used the primary as a coronation, not a campaign. She was condescending and smug throughout, and worked in a state dept. that remotely killed more people than anyone in

Well you must not spend much time in the state of your birth. There are plenty of folks in SC (live here as well) that are flat out celebrating the hung jury for the other Charleston murderer.

She lost because she was a smug, haughty, bought and paid for politician. She was nothing that the progressive wing of the party wanted. She was shoved down our throats and most of us said “No, not this time.”

And that’s the kind of thinking that will have you float the same turd to the top of the pool in 2020. Hopefully (albeit doubtfully) the DNC is smarter than you.

Noone voted because the two most viable candidates weren’t even allowed to debate. If the plurality of folks, as you put it, voted for her, how is it she lost?

It’s not like the voting population grew at all in the last 4 years or anything. How is that even a response? “Lots of people voted for her, she can’t be terrible!”

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein aren’t the reason Clinton lost and I’m sick of hearing it. She was a terrible candidate all around. Literally the only candidate worse in the history of the nation was her opponent.

The latest picture, available quickly? The same way they do it with soldiers killed in battle, perhaps? There’s a novel thought. This means not a mugshot, and not a kindergarten photo.

I can only imagine how rough it is right now. Never stop, Ashley.

Voting election after election for the ‘greater good’ or the ‘lesser evil’ has done what for us, exactly? It got us the worst candidates we’ve ever seen in this country. Now it’s time to wake up, fix the DNC, flog the racists, and move the country forward for once.

Man, we’re all right there with you.

This comment is extremely depressing, reading it a day later.

Any word on if they are adding new achievements to the consoles to go along with any of this?

I would play the shit out of that.

They’s comin’ to take your guns, Ricky! Dey’s been on da way for 65 years or so, but dey’s comin!

I’m not thick, I just dislike reading through worthless comments. Bad is bad is terrible commentary.

“... does not mean shit won’t get scary and fucking terrible.” basically equals “...won’t be end times but it will be bad.” Just with a few more exclamation points.

That’s pretty much exactly what he’s saying. I mean, he’s a dick but at least read it before you reply.

Also Bruce Smith.

That tends to happen for me. I don’t notice the blue number.