
I had their EP!

He couldn't make it as a rapper, so now he's trying country music.

My head hasn't exploded. I'm enjoying the show!

She won the popular vote bruh.

Can A.V. Club please review Kirk Cameron's latest romp?

Unfortunately the honey comb victims were the second least disturbing thing I've seen this week on TV, after Rick And Morty anyway.

There was another easter egg from Red Dragon in the way the honey comb killer's victims eyes were shaped like the Tooth Ferry's victims.

When it's eventually revealed that Hannibal Lector is the murderer that they've been looking for all along, Will better get a promotion to the head of the fucking FBI.

Probably was another nod to Silence Of The Lambs.

I was referring to his character from Dexter.

Can't wait to see the sexcapades in space!