
I like the video. One issue though, no one has or will ever have to decide between these two vehicles. In the event someone actually does have to choose between these two, there is no helping that person.

You forgot to mention the wiper blade trick, tech calls you and tells you it wont pass because the wiper blades are dull and don’t meet the spec (maybe this is in NC only, idk), no one in their right mind is going to go pick up the car, go get new blades, install new blades, take car back. 100% of the time we buy the

“hot dog purists”, think about that. no such thing.

On a scale of 1 to 2. 1 being terrible and 2 being awesome, where would you rank it?

Durant clearly does not know when to use “an” v.s. “a”. “He’s a idiot” wow, just wow.

No Brainer : The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too

I don’t own any entire albums. I do own 14 individual tracks though. You sir need to give it a rest.

In dog years you get to start driving and start drinking all on the same B-day. That would be too much for a humans to handle. “here son I got you a used Subaru and a case of Bud Light, have fun!”

click elsewhere please

Don’t call it hoverboarding because it just isn’t.

if you watch this .gif long enough you start to hear it.

I bet this is not what the couple pictured. or wait...it was pictured...hhhhmmm

check out the suggested story on the left of this screenshot - Perfect!

Doug, I like what you do any always enjoy your videos. This one was not good. I’m not even sure if fell asleep during it or not.

Well played horse...well played indeed.

Good Job!

Right, so if its a joke its funny and if its not a joke its funny.