
You didn’t explicitly say who was #1, so I have to assume you mean Steve Ontiveros.

* alumnus

When Momma used to take in boarders, she didnt care if’n they traveled atall, Heck, she was runnin a boardin house, not a hoosegow.

I remember bombing down 17 on the way back from Santa Cruz in my 64 Buick Special in about ‘90 or so. Doing 50-55, came up over the rise to stopped traffic. Jumped on the (drum) brakes which pulled pretty good to the left. Slammed pretty hard into the median. Moved it, in fact.
There was a small dent on the

Oh, thank you. I poked all around their website, found nothing. Little things like that can really stick in my brain, and when it’s 1 AM with a 6 AM wakeup, THAT thing would keep my brain running at 100%!

How do they get a url of MRPS from “Ohio State Reformatory?”

Stanford nipples? The google doesn’t know what that is, can someone enlighten me?

FAIL! I could follow your writing.

+1 voting irregularities

Unless you are in Soviet Russia, the petard does the hoisting.

They seem to be RICH in piss!

“I went to a snowy, below Browns/Bengals game”
What, what the hell is below a Browns/Bengals game? WHERE WERE YOU, MAN?

My first literal LOL in a while, thank you for that!

DOH! I saw it, and failed to make the connection, since in my mind it had to be a sex act. I’m going to sit here in my pond of stupid for a while before Internetting any more!

I give up, what is GIS? Google did not help, nor urban dictionary.


I’ve never played the game Pubic Image Limited, but I’m guessing you can only use one eye to identify your guests based on their pubes? That WOULD lighten up the party!

Cordells are also in Houston and SF Bay Area markets.

“University of Blaupunkt”

When I was 13, our regular catcher no-showed, so I volunteered to catch our fastest and wildest pitcher. I somehow made it to the 3rd inning before mentioning my cupless state, and which point coach absolutely freaked.
I have worn a cup still warm from another player. I am not proud of this.