
From Wikipedia:

Not if they hurry up and slap an Apple logo on it...

From Wikipedia:

From Wikipedia:

I agree. My wife's iPad is a bit heavy when trying to use it one handed.

Is there an option to view page by page? I understand the need to go frame by frame on a phone or smaller tablet, but I was planning to get a Xoom and would like to be able to use the larger screen real estate.

Now playing

Reminds me of the Slider's episode where intelligence takes precedence over athletics. Man that would be an awesome world to live in...

Since Shakira's hips don't lie, I can trust this story right?

It's ok, I know you are both just part of my multiple personalities so it's understandable why we all have the exact same thoughts, right?

There are some people who just have "the voice". Carl Sagan is one of them. I agree with Jesus Diaz for once, that this man could say anything and I would listen to him till he stopped.

Simpson's did it...

Same for the tablet I was looking forward to, the Motorola Xoom.

While I don't doubt (but don't like) that the TouchPad or the Xoom are worth the $700-$800 the manufacturers are asking for them, I think it is foolish to think you can't release a wifi only version alongside them. Seriously guys: 16GB, Wifi only, around $500-$600. I understand that the newer technology in these

I think that information = power, not the internet. The internet is just a modern means of relaying information.

How dare you assume my attention is that sho...SQUIRREL!!!

Correction: The Apple market / users have spoken.

I own a Sony Vaio F, and while sexy, it had nothing on the Dell Adamo. Very nice looking laptop but way too overpriced and underpowered.

My wife got a leather case during a Woot off. It adds some much needed grip but makes it rather bulky.

So...it's one of those spinning wheels of death they put the motorcycles in at carnivals and state fairs, but in the Swiss Alps?