Very nice looking desk.
Very nice looking desk.
Anyone else want to see Janet Napolitano go through the TSA grope fest? Who wants to bet she changes her tune after that...
@TheAlmeida: Here, have an upvote!
Announced today, has created a new website in response to the TSA body scans called
@kitkatklub123: LIKE
@stryder100: Yeah, I did the same thing when I saw Yoko Ono's cleavage...THE HORROR!
@Dogen: DAMN YOU SKYNET! First you replaced humans and now monkeys! OH THE HUMANITY!
@MikeSWelch: I expect that it will as soon as someone hacks the stock Android OS on it.
@Teran: No, you said:
@strays2k: Yeah, I didn't check Woot till this afternoon as well. I was drooling over that deal until I saw it was sold out...
@strays2k: Sold out
I personally prefer using the comics section of the newspaper.
I took a photography class with a "pro" a few months ago. Besides teaching us the basics about ISO, shutter speed and aperture the more important thing he taught us was to have FUN!
@Neondo: Oh, I agree that keyboards are better to play FPS with compared to a controller. I am always more accurate when I play with them while glued to my desk.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: That's ok, the female bats just screech louder and louder until the male bats are forced to listen...
@Teran: Wow, how did this troll get a star?
@Le Starman Royale, duc des Mudkips et des modules MIDI: I agree with minibeardeath. Whenever the browser restarts due to an actual update or an add-on update, it remembers which tabs are open and reopens them upon restart.
@FriarNurgle: How long will Stargate SG-1 be on Hulu though?
Amazon has a deal on Belkin surge protectors for those who are interested.
Damn it Gizmodo! What the heck are these wet things coming from my eyes? *mumbles* must be allergies...