
Ehhhhh. My PC cost $320 on Black Friday 2 years ago, and costs about $350 today not on sale. The graphics card was donated, but would have cost $130 two years ago, and likely goes for about 70 now.

all in all, i can run Titanfall, Inquisition and every Arkham game except the newest one on 60FPS, and ultra-high

Lots of things are playable, but that doesn’t mean they’re enjoyable. You have lower standards than some people, and that’s totally ok. Doesn’t mean those other people don’t have the right to point out which games don’t meet their standards.

People begin to expect things that aren’t actually possible and we have placed outrselves on a slippery slope.

As someone who regularly plays games in more than 60fps, 60 is the gold standard.

“does that small change really matter?” — Yes, yes it does.

Welcome to the PC master race, composed mostly of people running crappy hardware your iPad eats for lunch.