“not OK” in very, very different and significant ways.” Um no, they are both the same thing and both not ok for the same reasons in either circumstances.
“not OK” in very, very different and significant ways.” Um no, they are both the same thing and both not ok for the same reasons in either circumstances.
I know we like to think that we’re part of official editorial policy, but we’re not.
You’re missing nothing - if it were women, Jezebel would (and has) be commending them with wink wink, nudge nudge, “disclaimers.”
Eh, what’s the big deal — these guys should “keep owning it and move on.” Doesn’t matter if they regret it or not...
This headline is dangerously close to romanticizing alcoholism.
Are you fucking joking? I’m neutral and I’m not sick of it in the slightest, because guess what, this story is incredible. Did you get equally annoyed when everyone was gargling on Lebron’s nuts last year during/after the finals? I wasn’t with that story either, cause again, it was unprecedented and incredible. So…
Yes, that is his future. He doesn’t have a place in the NL except for first base, and the Cubs already have that position locked down for 20 years.
Looking forward to having him DH for the Yankees.
+1 beating with baseball bats.
I also release faster after cooter.
This is the lawyer for the nephews?
But there is something easy about making a terrible game that would make money off of it’s name alone like Battlefront.
...fine, more like the Wisconsin 50 [sob].
The Wisconsin 15 is real. I live here now. I realized to fend off the pounds you need to essentially force yourself to eat at least one salad a day...
Brain Damage Protocol?
It’s literally a parallel of the main question in the post, asshole.
Yup, you’re correct. Especially because we were deeply, deeply in love so I know what it feels like and it’s not coming back. Now excuse me while I go torture myself more.
I mean they broke up after like a month and a half, which is why we started talking again. I wouldn’t talk to her during that betrayal. I’ve got no problem with her dating other people just as long as they’re not friends of mine.
My (ex) girlfriend and I broke up... two years ago and we talk by messenger pretty much every day. There have been times when we went a couple months without talking (when she was dating a friend of mine) but she apologized and we hit it up right back again. Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this but I don’t want to stop…